“The idea is if we can find a way to ensure that the water rights of the power companies are protected over the next couple of decades, this will give them a stronger incentive to find a new way to produce energy in the region,” said state Sen. Dylan Roberts, D-Frisco.
Water would stay in river after plants close in 2028 This story is provided by Aspen Journalism, a nonprofit, investigative news organization. For more, visit http://aspenjournalism.org. State lawmakers are considering a bill that would let two.
State lawmakers are considering a bill that would let two energy companies with coal-fired power plants in northwest Colorado hang on to their water rights even after the plants’ planned closures in 2028. Senate Bill.
Power lines laden with ice resulted in large-scale outages that will likely effect power customers in Scotts Bluff County and neighboring counties well into the middle of the week.