Llegan 85 nuevos policías a Puebla
PorEl Universal Un total de 85 nuevos policías se incorporaron a la seguridad pública de la ciudad de Puebla.
Se trata de cadetes recién graduados de la Formación Inicial de Policía Preventivo impartido en 990 horas, del 18 de enero al 30 de junio del presente año.
Son 35 mujeres y 50 hombres que se incorporan a la Secretaría de Seguridad Ciudadana del Ayuntamiento de Puebla.
Estos 85 cadetes, además, participaron como voluntarios en las Jornadas de Vacunación de las personas de 60 años y más, coadyuvando en la lucha contra el coronavirus.
and could fire as he put it, a savage sicko came to school with bad intentions. attacks would end, he tweeted in all caps. some critics say armed teachers would make classrooms more dangerous and they re questioning how it would prevent school shootings. in ohio, some districts are putting the idea of sorts to the test. our matt finn with sydney middle school about 70 miles north and west of columbus to see what they re doing, matt? at these schools, there s a confidential team of teachers and staff that are trained to fire back in the event of an active shooter. it s called an armed response team. the school conceal the guns in hiding them in safes throughout the campus and only members of the active response team can open those safes. each person is vetted by the district, must have a license to carry and go through what the district calls rigorous monthly training equivalent to a police
agent saw someone reach into the vehicle but did not see hem take anything out. joe johns, thanks very much. back with republican congressman jason chaffetz of utah. you just studied the u.s. secret service recently, putting out a very lengthy report. when you hear about the latest incident, congressman, what s your reaction? these things can t keep happening. they have a deep seated cultural problem. one of the things we unearthed in the bipartisan report with elijah cummings is the deep lack of training. the average person who works for secret service goes through training equivalent to 25 minutes per year, per year. so when you have somebody who is outside normal protocol, isn t adhering to the normal practices of any law enforcement agency, i want to go back and see, is it just one problematic person or was this something that is systemic throughout the organization? but you can t do that. you can t leave your service revolver in a car, all it needed