As many as 33 trains have been cancelled and six others rescheduled till Monday morning after two trains collided in Andhra Pradesh s Vizianagaram that killed 13 so far, according to East Coast Railway officials. Chennai Central to Puri (22860), Raigada to Guntur (17244) and Visakhapatnam to Guntur (17240) have been cancelled. Meanwhile, Chennai Central to Shalimar (12842) and Alleppey to Dhanbad (13352) have been rescheduled.
Derailing of Delhi-Kamakhya North East Express in Bihars Buxar district affected the operations of multiple trains leading to diversion anc cancellation of multiple trains in the East Central Railway zone.
Bihar CM Nitish Kumar has announced an ex-gratia of Rs 4 Lakh each to families of the people who died after 21 coaches of Delhi-Kamakhya North East Express were derailed in Buxar last night.