Records in the first place, that money is mine. [laughter] it occurs to me that possession is 9 10th s of the law. Keep up with the smart mouth and my foot will be 9 10th s of the way up your ass. Jesse punishment gives. Dont like losing freedoms and privileges, dont put gum in your sisters hair. Not all moms and dads have the stomach to do whats necessary to keep their children in line. Im sure you all out there know some parents who just let their kids run wild. And you might even be one of those parents. When you let your kids off without punishing them. They will hurt themselves and they will walk all over you. And probably end up hurting others down the road. Thats essentially whats happening in most of americas major cities. Local democrat leaders have decided that criminals no longer deserve to be punished. And now crime is surging. But these arent kids who skipped school or borrowed your car without asking. Like i did. And that wasnt really the worst of it believe me, i was a m
Records in the first place, that money is mine. [laughter] it occurs to me that possession is 9 10th s of the law. Keep up with the smart mouth and my foot will be 9 10th s of the way up your ass. Jesse punishment gives. Dont like losing freedoms and privileges, dont put gum in your sisters hair. Not all moms and dads have the stomach to do whats necessary to keep their children in line. Im sure you all out there know some parents who just let their kids run wild. And you might even be one of those parents. When you let your kids off without punishing them. They will hurt themselves and they will walk all over you. And probably end up hurting others down the road. Thats essentially whats happening in most of americas major cities. Local democrat leaders have decided that criminals no longer deserve to be punished. And now crime is surging. But these arent kids who skipped school or borrowed your car without asking. Like i did. And that wasnt really the worst of it believe me, i was a m
Records in the first place, that money is mine. [laughter] it occurs to me that possession is 9 10th s of the law. Keep up with the smart mouth and my foot will be 9 10th s of the way up your ass. Jesse punishment gives. Dont like losing freedoms and privileges, dont put gum in your sisters hair. Not all moms and dads have the stomach to do whats necessary to keep their children in line. Im sure you all out there know some parents who just let their kids run wild. And you might even be one of those parents. When you let your kids off without punishing them. They will hurt themselves and they will walk all over you. And probably end up hurting others down the road. Thats essentially whats happening in most of americas major cities. Local democrat leaders have decided that criminals no longer deserve to be punished. And now crime is surging. But these arent kids who skipped school or borrowed your car without asking. Like i did. And that wasnt really the worst of it believe me, i was a m
Records in the first place, that money is mine. [laughter] it occurs to me that possession is 9 10th s of the law. Keep up with the smart mouth and my foot will be 9 10th s of the way up your ass. Jesse punishment gives. Dont like losing freedoms and privileges, dont put gum in your sisters hair. Not all moms and dads have the stomach to do whats necessary to keep their children in line. Im sure you all out there know some parents who just let their kids run wild. And you might even be one of those parents. When you let your kids off without punishing them. They will hurt themselves and they will walk all over you. And probably end up hurting others down the road. Thats essentially whats happening in most of americas major cities. Local democrat leaders have decided that criminals no longer deserve to be punished. And now crime is surging. But these arent kids who skipped school or borrowed your car without asking. Like i did. And that wasnt really the worst of it believe me, i was a m
bill and hillary aren t in power anymore so the bribes i mean the donations have dried up. the clintons need to get a healthy cash flow. the only way they know how. as joe biden floundering shirley circling around him like a vulture prospecting for any opportunity to take the throne. and what better time than now? just last night she stepped back into the political spotlight for the first time since 2020. headlines a top dollar fundraiser for ohio senate candidate tim ryan. notice biden wasn t the headliner. and in a recent suffolk poll she is beating biden in florida this poll has been bouncing around all day through the world. democrats are desperate and so is hillary. so desperate she has gone full trump on china. listen. china has disrupted the markets. china is not a free market economy. we tried. we let them in to the world trade organization. we set our businesses over there. we made trail deals. they are a controlled top down