when everybody s participating. not just some. when everybody has a chance to get a great education. when everybody has a chance to learn the skills they need to compete. our economy does best when we invest in the common enterprise of basic research to create new technologies and new industries and new jobs. we believe america s strongest when everybody can count on affordable health insurance. when everybody can count on medicare and social security in their golden years. we think our markets work best, our economy works best when there s some rules in place to protect our kids from toxic dumping and pollution. to protect consumers from being taken advantage of by unscrupulous credit card companies or mortgage lenders. and, you know, we also believe
a shot, when everybody s participating, when everybody has a chance to get a decent education. when every worker has the chance to get the skills they need. when we support research into medical breakthroughs and new technologies. we believe that america s stronger, not weaker, stronger, when everybody can count on affordable health insurance. [cheers and applause] we believe our country is better when people can count on medicare and social security in their golden years. [applause] we think the market functions more effectively when the rules are in place to make sure our kids are protected from toxic dumping. to make sure consumers are not being taken advantage of by unscrupulous credit card companies or mortgage lenders. we believe there s a place for rules and regulations
when everybody can count on social security to give them a dignified retirement. we know the market works better when the rules of the road protect kids from toxic dumping, to be protected against unscrupulous credit card companies or mortgage lenders. we believe that there s a role for rules or regulations that are smart and we also believe that we should leave to the people for example, we don t think politicians in washington are very smart about controlling health care choices that women are perfectly capable of making themselves. now, for 8 years, we had a president who shared these believes. you just heard. president clinton s economic
economy does better, our businesses do better, our entrepreneurs do better when everybody has a chance to succeed, when all our children are getting a decent education. when all our workers are learning new skills, when we support research in medical breakthroughs and new technologies. we believe america is stronger when everybody can count on affordable health insurance and medicare, and social security. when our kids are protected from toxic dumping and pollution. when our consumers aren t being taken advantage of by credit card companies or mortgage lenders. we believe in a democracy where everybody s voice is heard, where you just can t buy and election. and we believe in politicians who understand that there are some things the american people can do better for themselves,