why do you flaunt something like that when you realize your customers provide 75% of your town revenues? we re not any town usa. checking in, the town is certainly divided over this one. the media is constantly up here interviewing town council and community members, and so it s like how do you position our community? it s still a family-friendly community. it s disappointing, you know. i was so excited to be on town council and to make a difference. i m proud of you. i think it makes me love you more every day that you stand up to what i see as, you know, hierarchy, the cabal, people who are opposing, you know, what society wants. what the hell? look at him. for some reason the town is afraid to let you guys come on
try to sell as our brand, that s not what this town is selling. the direct marketing arm of our town is selling party. hey, do you guys smoke? pain releaving. $5. would you like one, too? absolutely. we re heavily dependant on our guests and tourists. why do you flaunt something like that when you realize your customers provide 75% of your town revenues? we re not any town usa. checking in, the town is certainly divided over this one. the media is constantly up here interviewing town council and community members, and so it s like how do you position our community? it s still a family-friendly community. it s disappointing, you know. i was so excited to be on town council and to make a difference. i m proud of you. i think it makes me love you more every day that you stand up to what i see as, you know,