Control freak state and local jurisdictions have done and continue to do everything within their powers to subvert the Second Amendment. We’ve seen it time and time again, a locality that just can’t h.
The irony of Massachusetts is that there’s extreme dichotomy in its history. On one hand, the people of the Bay State have a sordid history of hanging people that are different from the rest of the fo.
BOSTON Today, Massachusetts agricultural officials joined tomato farmers from across the state on the plaza of the Boston Public Market for the Commonwealth’s
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For most of my legal career people have been predicting an end to the doctrine of judicial deference that has, since the early 1980s, been the law in Federal Courts, and in Massachusetts. That brings me to the Supreme Judicial Court s decision Friday upholding the Massachusetts Energy Facilities Siting Board s approval of a new electricity transmission line under a railroad right of way passing through the Town of Sudbury.
The Town and other opponents appealed the approval, preferring no additional transmission at all, or at least an alternative route. The Commonwealth s highest court said its job wasn t to substitute its judgments for those of the Legislature or the Executive Branch, only to prevent patently wrong, unreasonable, arbitrary, whimsical, or capricious government actions.