Kudos to Woolwich for having residents meet with Maine Department of Transportation about the light that stops Route 1 traffic for Nequasset Road motorists. The light was to be temporary – for the Station 46 bridge replacement project. But as Phil.
The north wall of Wiscasset’s Sunken Garden is being dismantled and put back together. All the granite stones are the ones that have made up the wall since the 1800s, Public Works Director Ted Snowden said Oct. 27. The rebuild should be fine for 20.
Two projects involving Wiscasset’s past have new developments. Selectman Dusty Jones reported May 17 to the board and May 18 in a phone interview, plans are progressing for observances in town June 17, Maine’s first annual James Weldon Johnson Day;.
Wiscasset Middle High School’s Class of 2022 has another place to shine – in photos now on display downtown and that will later go on the new graduates’ lawns, Technology Coordinator/VHS Site Coordinator/Student Council Advisor Deb Pooler said.