world. how about going to? hannity anthony fauci grilled of the hill, and as always, his memory seems a little off. take a loof.k. i why was it so important i the virus not have started in a lawatersb? why was it so important that?ow the virus not we don t know. we know is important someone in the biden administration, so much so that the top people much at mit, the top people at facebook are asking, why are we getting all this pressurfacebookaskingel to downplay the lab leak theory ? and guess what? we have dr.. rand paul, senator rand paul, he actually has the actual smoking gun emails. he put paul, in his book. anyway, the once drunk with power, dr. fauci a skirted accountability for years while gaslighting the american people every step of the way. but a free pass that might soons be oveoor. d we ll check in with rand paul. that s coming up. also tonight, wells , mass amnesty for illegal immigrants, according to this new report, the biden administration, they just
their number one strategy. here with reaction, fox news contributoy.r jonathan turley. well, i labeled a few of the areas that i ve identifiedsident that president trump should appeal . i think because of the circumstances and the severity of the conflicts in this caset n and constitutional issues are at hand here, it should be expedited. i think the americanthe amer people have a right to know if it s going to be overturned before the electiogh knon. i would urge trump s attorneys to pursue every avenue to getu i there. what would you advise themse th well, i think they are going to pursue every avenue. i must the say. i do not hold out much hope that the supreme court will allow them to go directlylo to the highest court for review. prevreason is that the supremeto previously turned down jack smith , who wanted wante to expedite his own prosecution of trumpit. and i think that some of the o justices are going to want to stay withine
on their own recognizance pending appeal. i suspect anything s possible with judge merchan. t hi will he try to put him in jail v and have mrs. on a republican convention? is he going to have home confinement as part of this? you know, how far does he go? well, before i sat in thatd n courtroom, i would have said that all of these options were almost fanciful. i was really surprised. tha and what i saw in that courtroom, i felt that the judge was dead o wrong on a number of his his decisions. he ruled very heavily towardsy e the prosecution. even liberal legal analystavils have admitted to that. but to, first of all,timately to sentence him to jail ultimately as an elderly firstnt offender in a nonviolent crime would be just such a hugem departure from the normd