The Embassy of Mongolia in Bulgaria together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Environment and Tourism and the Tourism Development Center promoted Mongolia at the 38th Holiday&Spa International Fair held in Sofia.
Minister of Environment and Tourism B.Bat-Erdene and Deputy Minister of Environment and Tourism G.Tuvdendorj held a meeting with Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Mongolia Lee Yeo-hong.
The tourism community has joined ‘One billion trees’ nationwide campaign initiated by the President of Mongolia. The Tourism Development Center, the Mongolian Tourism Association, the Galsan Tschinag Foundation, the Tourism Education and Development Association, and the Tourism Journalists' Club jointly planted 1000 trees at the Guru and Terelj Stars tourist camps of at Gorkhi-Terelj National Park on October 27.
The tourism community has joined ‘One billion trees’ nationwide campaign initiated by the President of Mongolia. The Tourism Development Center, the Mongolian Tourism Association, the Galsan Tschinag Foundation, the Tourism Education and Development Association, and the Tourism Journalists' Club jointly planted 1000 trees at the Guru and Terelj Stars tourist camps of at Gorkhi-Terelj National Park on October 27.
घुम्न जाने कि श्रीअन्तु
शेयर गर्नुहोस:
हरिगोपाल प्रधान
श्रीअन्तु अथवा अन्तु भन्नेबित्तिकै इलाम जिल्लाको स्मरण हुन्छ । इलामको पर्यटकीय क्षेत्र हो– श्रीअन्तु । नेपालको सुदूरपूर्वी क्षेत्र इलामको सिद्धिखोला र मेचीखोलाबीचमा रहेको अत्यन्त रमणीय भाग हो– श्रीअन्तु । नेपालको पर्यटकीय गाउँका रूपमा श्रीअन्तु सुपरिचित छ ।
श्रीअन्तुको पर्यटन क्षेत्र चार हजार १४४