Delhi Industries Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj on Tuesday inaugurated the Delhi Pavilion at the 42nd edition of the India International Trade Fair (IITF’23) at Pragati Maidan. Union Minister of State Anupriya Patel was also present on the occasion in the Conference Hall No. 2, Bharat Mandapam.
The Delhi Pavilion at the India International Trade Fair has been designed on the theme of heritage and will be depicting Connaught Place along with various iconic monuments of the national capital.
Shobhit Gupta, chief manager, Delhi State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation
The Government of Jamaica is moving to develop the island as a logistics supply hub for the local resort sector and for other tourism nations in the region.
In May, Wilfred Baghaloo, partner:.
Since January, the owner of the beleaguered Shops at Rockvale has spent more than $200 million buying more shopping centers in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Florida.