you have lost touch, whether it s rural america. do you think you have lost touch culturely or economically or both? well, i think we have to underscore that economic message. you know, no ohio i went out there and talked to voters and what they heard from donald trump is i m going to bring your coal jobs back. that s a lie. but what they heard is that he felt their pain. what they heard from us was that, you know, we vote for us because we re not him. and we have to make sure we re communicating our affirmative message. we stand for good wages. we stand for social security. we stand for retirement security. we brought this nation medicare. the republicans are trying to voucherize medicare and prooiftize social security. donald trump wants to eliminate overtime pay for trump. he doesn t care about raising the minimum wage. but we have to communicate these messages consistently in every zip code because i learned in my trip across this country during this campaign that a lot of