When you re thinking what to buy for your loved ones this Christmas, be sure to consider one of these beautiful picture books on subjects ranging from Princess Diana to designer Yves Saint Laurent.
Black tip sharks swim with tropical fish in a lagoon in French Polynesia. (Shutterstock)In French Polynesia, fishing is an integral part of everyday life. The people living here fish on the flats and along the reef using nets, hooks and line, harpoons, spearguns and traditional artisanal traps. They fish for food. They are also seeing the benefits of using their traditional knowledge to guide recreational fishing tourists — a business with potential to improve long term employment security. Abun
In-depth research in the region’s food web show that sea stars pose as a significant challenger to polar bears across the Canadian Arctic coast. Click here to read more.
The Argentina Navy s icebreaker ARA Almirante Irízar has added four biologists to its crew to monitor wildlife in the South Atlantic and around Antarctica, the news service Télam has reported.
Pterodactylus antiquus was the first pterosaur to be named and identified as a flying reptile, while
Terrordactyl was an awesome 2016 movie where ancient flying reptiles attacked Los Angeles. Now, an international team has uncovered an astounding discovery based on remains found in northeast China. Make way for the amazing
Monkeydactyl, the earliest known opposed thumb flying reptile that lived 160 million years ago.
Properly named
Kunpengopterus antipollicatus, the small-sized pterosaur’s fossil was found in a slab of stone in north-east China. With a wingspan around 2.8 feet (85 cm), the opposed thumb flying reptile lived in trees and grasped branches. For a full and detailed description of creature you can read a new paper published in the journal