As India prepares for the upcoming two-day long G20 Summit, the capital of New Delhi is undergoing a fortification. For the security of the prestigious event, the host nation will deploy 130,000 security personnel. Additionally, a multi-level security arrangement which includes anti-drone systems has been put in place. In other news, Russia has announced that its nuclear-capable Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile system which has been dubbed 'Satan 2' by the west has entered combat duty. Meanwhile, Singapore held its first election in a decade to choose its new head of state.
Islamabad high court on Saturday issued an arrest warrant against former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan. The issuance of the arrest warrant was expedited due to Imran's non-appearance in court. In other news, Ukrainian nuclear agency Energoatom said Russia has detained the chief of the nuclear power facility in Zaporizhzhia, which is in control of Moscow since it captured the region.
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