That does not account for others that come into the area that work here, who have a 49 square mile city. So these people do the odds. There are some bad apples everywhere. If we have them have this background check, we can eliminate some of the bad apples, it will be good for both industries, im urging an aye vote here. Supervisors, we are your City Industry and were being thrown under the muni vote. If they start putting taxicabs out of business when theyre really close, they can do whatever they want because they have no 1 regulating, thank you for your time. Thank you. Next speaker please. Good evening, thank you for allowing us to speak, my name is marcel. I have been driving a taxi full time in this city for 28 years. I came here to urge this board to support supervisor peskins resolution urging the cpuc, to adopt fingerprinting, for all drivers, its a noncontroversial safety measure for drivers. It is the most reliable way to confirm a persons, identity. If i could have the overh
Work 90 in house how to charge it it could be somewhere there are a lot of factors not incorporated into that price that helps cca and it might get into what is coming up in accident next group of slides on may 12th so there is a lot of good things that cca is moving forward it can help power the enterprises and have comments on the transition line but that will wait until another time. Good afternoon commissioner eric brooks San Francisco green party San Francisco i want to say what jason fried lafco said those points are good points ill get to joid was not able to get to the elephant that the room that has been written about for decades if not more the trick of the nicole substation and the last 15 miles the assets on the screen because of quote unquote reregulation would be good assets if we make sure our power line ran from the hetch hetchy to San Francisco without toughing any per diem touching any wires you keep wires separate we should have bun or duplicate that with the transit
Center on Mission Street in San Francisco and joined by carla, the Deputy Director of spur and one of the persons who pushed this shelter in place and safe enough to stay concept and we want to talk about what it means and why its important to San Francisco. As you know the bay area as 63 chance of having a major earthquake and its serious and going to impact a lot of people and particularly people in San Francisco because we live on a major fault so what does this mean for us . Part of what it means is that potentially 25 of San Franciscos building stock will be uninhibit tabl and people cant stay in their homes after an earthquake. They may have to go to shelters or leave entirely and we dont want that to happen. We want a building stock to encourage them to stay in the homes and encourage them to stay and not relocate to other locations and shelters. Thats right so that means the Housing Needs to be safe enough to stay and we have been focused in trying to define what that means and
To figure out when there was is so Much Negative blame where i am blame for the past, present, and future its going to be a struggle to get everybody together now we have the foundation and we held each other accountability and hiding was a great part because of leader pelosi and now it is secretary castro its ophelia and the others that gave us the opportunity tony as we talked about choice neighborhood wow. Being part of 5 cities in the country is get this grant we better hold each other acknowledge so we redid the r50e789 and ocii a brand new commission a fresh director and tiffany and friends in tab in that case that met with us and lavelle and the Tenants Association came in and all we weighed in now, its about deliver im happy to say were going to go vertical today clapping. i know so many other parts of city going vertical why not bayview this is the austerity here were going to try to do this with the involvement of people that have trained themselves to do its not just rigor m
Here at Alice Griffith i know that reverend walker talked about this im about making sure it happens tony salazar that said we have bumpy parts yeah. It is bumpy not only between him and me but everybody and the reason it has been bumpy at the beginning were trying to are were going to hold each other concoct before you we introduce new friends weve got to honor the old friends i remember working in the Mayors Office and huddling gavin newsom to try to figure out when there was is so Much Negative blame where i am blame for the past, present, and future its going to be a struggle to get everybody together now we have the foundation and we held each other accountability and hiding was a great part because of leader pelosi and now it is secretary castro its ophelia and the others that gave us the opportunity tony as we talked about choice neighborhood wow. Being part of 5 cities in the country is get this grant we better hold each other acknowledge so we redid the r50e789 and ocii a bran