clapping. first of all, lets give horn to god alleyway mighty for bringing us here today today is a historic occasion. This sermon is dedicated to the memory of doctor george davis the man that actually brought us together here today his vision to take our issues to the bayview hes no longer with us but we know your presence here today says a lot about his legacy and passion. Im honored to be standing here knowing that Speaker Pelosi is here with us the number one advocate for children and women and seniors in the entire country of the United States is here clapping in spite of her tight scheduling schedule her passion is here so were 4u7b8 and im honored to have a hitters activity and great mayor mayor ed lee is here with us today clapping on the stage we have mr. Salazar that actually, the developer that helped us to put all those things together to make that happen washington and senator leno who is here for things we do in our county. We couldnt have gotten this done without wells
Oh, say can you see by the dawns early light lift evry voice and sing till earth and heaven ring. Ring with the harmonies of liberty; let our rejoicing rise, high as the listning skies, let it resound loud as the rolling sea. Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us, sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us; facing the rising sun of our new day begun, let us march on till victory is won. clapping ladies and gentlemen im having the privilege to introduce a homeboy made good he was raised in bishop in the project area he went on to be one of the preserve contractors in the bay area mr. Michael by an is one of the general partners for the building of the George Senior Center were proud of you, please come on stage clapping and well, it gives me great pleasure standing before you and sometimes 375 woodside weve been there and said what were doing we committed ourselves 5 years ago i had women calling me saying your momma used to cut my hair all i c
Supervisor and others in the Fire Department that we are not fully meeting that 80 percent of call volume, and the mayor has asked the chief for her best recommendations about how to achieve that. As you know it is a policy decision for the city to continue with that exclusive operating agreement. Both the chief and the department of Emergency Management have advised the mayor about certain risks that might occur if the city were to open up the system to private providers and they have made strong recommendations that the city main that maintain that exclusivity. The mention that the Fire Department provided to the mayor that in order to provide this level of service, they believe it would cost approximately 9 million a year in addition to their current operating budget. The mayor asked that i go back and work with the fire chief, work with eem to sharpen the point on those numbers and look at what options existed in terms of either phasing that in or other options to kind of balance t
Ladies and gentlemen lets start if all heads would be bowed we invoke god to come in. Oh, god of the universe one who loves us more than that we love outdoors we thank you for this day this special occasions weve come together to celebrate the activity. We ask our blessings was we go forward and that everything we say and do goplegia in our sight may the words and a be acceptable in our presence we thank you now for all who are here and thank you for the occasion were gathered here it maybe the beginning but were on the our thank you in the name of Jesus Christ Amen clapping oh, say can you see by the dawns early light lift evry voice and sing till earth and heaven ring. Ring with the harmonies of liberty; let our rejoicing rise, high as the listning skies, let it resound loud as the rolling sea. Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us, sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us; facing the rising sun of our new day begun, let us march on till v
Kathy davis clapping as we all knows kathy is unstoppable and unflapable in. Com building you dont want to get between kathy davis and her vision. When she whacks the traffic at the capita the traffic parts as if missouris was in the building laughter and she reminded me in putting the financing together one of the loose pieces was 20 million that redevelopment agencies in the past recollection is dollars we had to go to the difgdz those were owed and due and the governor was not going to use them to use for other purposes but to use on this project so contacting thank you for a carrying on the vision and keeping up the fight and doing it with a spirit and style of elegance ive never seen so from the state to you dr. Georges memory clapping. okay. We want to get to groundbreaking and nancy pelosi has to get somewhere else. Do you have time of course, i have time i want to recognize supervisor William Kennedys work. Okay clapping. i can relax a little bit. While we thank supervisor dr.