defy bob mueller. later vladimir putin weighing in on the trump white house, and also tonight viceland s star desus and mero are here for a special edition of fall back monday. customers hundreds for switching almost effortlessly. it s a gift. and jamie. -present. -together we are unstoppable. so, what are we gonna do? insurance. that s kind of what we do here.
and tonight we have a special edition of fallback friday. this one is a take over. hey. you know that it is a take over when we cue the air horn. i i am joined by viceland s desus and mero. well, tonight we have do they ever confuse you? no. because trump wanted to brag about the low african-american employment rate which has been on the decline since 2011. we only bring out the air horns on special friday. we feel honored.
profit off this ultimately? i don t know what her motivation is. i haven t spoken to her since 2011 but i think she wants to be able to tell her side of the story. thank you both in a story that s not going away. up ahead sam nunberg facing off today. and also it could get very real. an explosive report cites people close to trump saying he could fire his son-in-law, daughter and chief of staff. and viceland s desus and mero are here for a fall back on the beat. good choice. how about calling or texting? definitely calling. puppies or kitties? sorry, cats. dry eyes or artificial tears? wait, that s a trick question. because they can both get in your way. that s why it is super-important