kalashnikov. the pulse the trigger three times and the weapo not fire and he simply walks away and the woman survives and another is a woman cradling an infant making her way to the back of the cafe through a barrage of gunfire while all the way around people are diving for cover. finally, france s senate is expected to have an extension of another three months under state of emergency police can carry out raids without a warrant, like the massive ones the other day in paris for seven hours and in ended up killing two terrorists including the ringleader. now back to hannity. emergency that allowed raids like this. tonight isis is right here on american soil. house homeland security chairman
it is identity politics to him. when christians get executd by isis on the beach, he samade no mention of the fact that they were krigsz. when a white cap shoots a black robber, the black guy is the good guy, the he s rushed to judgment. three high-profile cases. ? same thing here. murz immigrants are the good guys and the white when an american dies and an attack like what happened in by
jordanian pilot on fire. president obama said yes, isis has done some bad things but jews and christians have done sonl some bad things, too. the argument he s using that isis is just like the crew sadz and inquisitions, is harmful when the president and secretary of state is defending radical islamists. in texas they just caught eight syrians trying to cross the border illegally.
that something sent and that is the very message that those refugees we spoke to today say is a clear indication of how this shia-led government plans on dealing with the sunni population. they feel abandoned. they feel betrayed. they feel as if they re being deliberately pushnished because they happen to be from anbar province from ramadi from areas where isis was able to move in and does perhaps yes have a certain degree of sympathy of the population. they say they are innocent victims caught up in all of this. paying the violence paying the price for the violence that is being carried out by the terrorist organization. and it is especially key at this point in time. that the shia-led government in baghdad not send that message out to the sunni population. wolf? arwa damon on the scene. please be careful over there. let s bring in congressman elliott engel, the top democrat on the house foreign affairs committee. congressman thanks for coming
white house worry now is that prime minister al abadhi running out of time to deal isis a decisive blow. isis released they pictures showing destruction at the baiji oil refinery. but the u.s.-led coalition said iraqi security forces were making steady progress regaining in some areas here. now if u.s. troops were to go back into iraq pentagon officials will tell you one of their concerns is congress or the american people potentially ready to see a new round of wounded warriors a new round of american fallen. isis major weapon today on the ground? improvised explosive devices. and they have a lot of them as we now know. thanks very much barbara for that. with each day, each new victory. isis is widening its base of power, proving its ability to attack on multiple fronts. let s check with our senior