Growing. Comparing last months registration to january of our last president ial election. Registration has grown equally for both main parties. But the nonpartisan registration has outpaced the parties. By three times. And check this out. The difference between republican and democratic registration right now is 18 thousand. The 234 thousand nonpartisans currently registered are heard. Eric one reason so many independents. Or nonpartisans. Especially those who have registered recently. Are just im fed up with washington. Im fed up with you guys. Thats the visceral part of american politics, and donald trump is capturing it. Now whether that trend will continue is still a question. And whether trump will get the nomination is still up in the air. But i think wed all agree its all been entertaining to watch this election as it develops. Covering campaing 2016, erin today governor sandoval issued a statement saying he has notified the white house he does not want to be considered for the
The poorly educated. I love the poorly educated and. Hes pulling in the indepedent voters. New hampshire allows non partisans to vote in their caucuses. And herzik says. They made quite a statement there. Eric they voted disproportionately in the republican party. And for donald trump. He won that demographic. In nevada that demographic is growing. Comparing last months registration to january of our last president ial election. Registration has grown equally for both main parties. But the nonpartisan registration has outpaced the parties. By three times. And check this out. The difference between republican and democratic registration right now is 18 thousand. The 234 thousand nonpartisans currently registered are expected to make themselves heard. Eric one reason so many independents. Or nonpartisans. Especially those who have registered recently. Are just im fed up with washington. Im fed up with you guys. Thats the capturing it. Now whether that trend will continue is still a quest