word. i ll make a clear point here. gouging won t be tolerated. jeff sessions and the president won t tolerate gouging. if you gouge somebody, law enforcement will come down with a hammer. that s not acceptable on a regular day and certainly not when people are suffering. we ll use the latitude that we have to come back to the first administrative point and provide a fair market value, rental rate, a little higher than 100% to accommodate the natural demand and supply attention. the follow up on april s question about gouging and housing. what about gas prices? is the administration looking at in terms of gouging for profit? gouging is a problem if it exists and if it happening at all markets. the idea on fuel is a good question. we had at one point somewhere around 4% of our oil shut in in
8,000 from out of state. they are being housed in two places, in fema has done this for us. 4,000 being held at racetrack and 4,000 being housed in linden. that is where they go to sleep and get fed three meals. that has been made by the department of human services and fema in conjunction. i owe jen a great gratitude. they have a place to sleep and eat but 11,000 people are on the ground here in new jersey to restore your power. now, on fuel. we re working to create order and better access for fuel. first thing i have to tell you, we don t have a fuel shortage. what happened was when power went out to the refineries and power went out to the pipelines, they couldn t move the gas. the gas is there. now all the power is on to the refineries and all the power is
intelligence folks there are really quite at odds with the whole idea of working together with americans. and i think they are probably the ones that are protecting the haqani and some of the other networks in part because pakistan would rather have a chaotic afghanistan than a stable afghanistan that s friendly to india. yeah. all right. the last thing it wants is afghanistan and india getting along well on its two flanks. james woolsey, couldn t ask for a better guest to help us understand what s going on there and put it into context. thank you very much for joining us. good to see you again. up next, eliot knows all about investing banks. he s been waiting for someone else to take up the challenge, and somebody has. on fuel and ems like ecopia tires. even making parts for solar panels that harness the sun s energy. working on social activities like clean up programs on beaches in many locations. and regional replanting activities
reporter: as gas prices started spiking, president obama talked tough about investigating price gouging. i asked my attorney general to look into any cases of price gouging so we can make sure nobody is being taken advantage of. reporter: if that sounds familiar, it is, part of the rhetorical play book politicians have used for years when gas prices go up. a need for investigation of collusion, antitrust violations and price gouging. there has been a real gouging going on on fuel. state authorities will be monitoring gasoline prices to make sure consumers are not being gouged. reporter: experts say price gouging investigations don t lead anywhere and politicians know it. that s just camouflage. that s i want to pretend i m doing something even though i m doing nothing. reporter: there s the page from the republican play book. oil drilling. gas prices are up so republican push to drill more at home. you lower energy prices by