Registration is open for PCC’s Summer Institutes, a summer education program that educates students in the trade of their choice, working in conjunction with Fort Lewis College and the Southwest Color.
In latest outbreak, 12 test positive at Vallecito Baptist Church
Durango, Colorado Currently Sat 0% chance of precipitation
Sonic, Pizza Hut and Highway 3 Roadhouse also report cases
Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2020 4:38 PM Updated: Thursday, Dec. 17, 2020 10:40 PM
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Several new outbreaks of COVID-19 cases were reported this week in La Plata County, notably at Vallecito Baptist Church where 12 attendees recently tested positive.
As of Thursday at Four Corners Health Care Center, 92 residents and 55 staff members were reported to have the virus, and 12 residents have died since the outbreak was first reported in November, according to San Juan Basin Public Health.
Durango restaurants hit hard with COVID-19 outbreaks, state data show
Durango, Colorado Currently Wed 2% chance of precipitation 72% chance of precipitation
Of 26 active outbreaks in county; nine are eateries
Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2020 5:40 PM Updated: Thursday, Dec. 10, 2020 3:58 PM
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A rash of COVID-19 outbreaks have swept through a number of Durango restaurants, according to state data.
Outbreaks, according to state guidelines, are defined by two or more cases, spread among employees at a workplace in a 14-day period. The state updates its list of active outbreaks every Wednesday.
There are 26 active outbreaks in La Plata County. Of those, nine are at local restaurants.