Zomato share price: The counter surged 4.55 per cent to hit a high of Rs 197.80 in Monday's trade. At this price, the stock was just 0.98 per cent away from its record high value of Rs 199.75, a level seen earlier this month on April 12.
Zomato shares jumped 4.54 per cent to hit a fresh high of Rs 197.80 on BSE. Motilal Oswal Securities has 'Buy' rating on the stock with a target of Rs 220. Kotak Institutional Equities finds the stock worth Rs 210.
Zomato target price: Kotak has retained 'Buy' rating on the stock with a revised SoTP-based fair value of Rs 210 against Rs 190 earlier, as it believes the momentum on the food delivery business remains reasonably healthy,
A Bengaluru-based Swiggy customer claims that premium subscribers end up paying more rather than saving money while ordering food, because Swiggy offers discount coupons to non-members.