The Fairfield Police Department says it has seen an increase in overdoses recently involving Fentanyl and Heroin-laced Fentanyl. Police say they have responded to three overdoses in the last three days, and officers have rendered life-saving aid to 12 people in the past three months. Police say anyone who sees drug paraphernalia, or similar out-of-place items, should not handle or touch them in any way, but should instead contact the Fairfield Police Department. Fairfield will hold Memorial Day services at the Maple Hill Veterans Cemetery at 11 Monday morning. Mayor Mike Dreith will be the speaker, with Dave Land serving as Master of Ceremonies and Lebanon North CP Church Pastor J.C. McDuffee offering prayer. American Legion Post 176 Commander Tom Seaman and VFW Post 4535 Commander Ron Van Buskirk will lay a wreath at the monument of the unknown service person. The Honor Guard will perform a 21-Gun Salute, followed by the sounding of Taps by Doug Aman. In the event of rain, the service
When it comes to farming and ranching, “it depends…” is about the only answer that applies to every situation.
There are a lot of factors of hay production no one can control. Chief on the list is moisture, even for the irrigated folks. Follow that with weevils, aphids, gophers and winter kill, and it starts to seem a little high-maintenance. But when you’ve been in the business long enough, you learn to control what you can, and fix what you can’t control, and to adapt when necessary.
George Packard, the owner and manager of Packard Ranch Company near Arthur, Nebraska, grows mostly irrigated alfalfa-grass mix, added to a calf backgrounding, cow-calf and custom farming operation.
China COVID crackdown drives drop in Bangkok skipjack prices
Additional reporting by Tom Seaman
Restrictions on foreign vessels unloading in China, strong skipjack tuna supply from the western Pacific Ocean and slow demand are causing prices to plummet in the processing hub of Bangkok, Thailand, according to industry sources [.]
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