i m not going anywhere, folks. you are talking about trump, right? [ laughter ] you can mention his name. we do not speak his name. jeb bush and donald trump are on a near collision course in new hampshire. jeb s right down the street they are sleeping. they are sleeping now. he takes every opportunity he can to spar with jeb bush. jeb bush is a low-energy person. i am the tortoise in the race. ask you ask a positive question. see if it is possible. he is like a lion tamer. whipping them in to action. trump clearly has talent. everyone out there is hanging on his every word. he is bigger than the republican party. if you are on the hard right you get no attention this summer. i was on jury duty. did you see it. first time someone didn t have to act like racist or sexist to get out of jury duty. tonight, donald trump and jeb bush held town hall events at locations 25 miles away from each other in new hampshire. jeb bush s event was scheduled f
the morning and welcome on this tuesday, may 29, 2012. president obama walworth the medal of freedom this afternoon to recipients including former secretary of state madeleine albright, retired supreme court justice stevens, and novelist toni morrison. the race for the white house, mitt romney is expected to if i get the delegates he needs to secure the republican nomination in today s texas primary. the new york times has a story about the white house strategy for combating terrorism. it talks about a secret list of terrorists that president obama signs off on. we would like to know what you think about the president s counterterrorism strategy. do you agree with it or disagree or do you think it s working? here are the numbers on your screen you can also find us online through social media. we can share that on the air. you can also join the conversation on c-span or email us. the new york times headline is this joe reports we would like to hear what you think about
history. i think it is very fitting that someone like tom engelhardt would be publishing with k market books because it is a match made in rebellion. for years i actually thought tom engelhardt s name was tom dispatch. i subscribe to this wonderful newsletter. it was covering the issues of the day but covering them in a way that was totally anathema to the way corporate media functions in society. getting in depth, highlighting whistle-blowe whistle-blowers, analyzing u.s. policy without regard to partisan considerations. i think tomdispatch.com is the best we have to offer in this country in terms of citizen journalism and journalism that challenges not only a corporate duopoly but challenges corporate media outlets on their own terms. if you haven t heard of tomdispatch.com were signed up for the newsletter you certainly should. his name is not time dispatch. his name is tom engelhardt and the book we are here to celebrate is the united states of fear . i had the honor of
he s the leader of canada. this is how america s most special relationship is playing out because yes, sorry, britain, canada is the country that lights america s fires literally. canada is the number one supplier of black gold to america. but if you were hoping there would be special bonding, like watching a basketball game together and snarfing down hot dogs or your wives meeting and getting along famously, nope. lorene harper didn t even come. in fact the five-page joint statement after today s meeting was, well, let me put it this way, it mentioned the budapest convention on cyber crime but didn t mention the keystone pipeline. it s part of an ice age in u.s./canadian relations. here s steven harper on canadian television in january. just because certain people in the united states would like to see canada be one giant national park for the northern half of north america, i don t think that s part of what our review process is all about. he s referring to a pipeline w
hawaii. good morning on this wednesday, march 14, 2012. president obama official welcomes british prime minister david cameron to the white house this morning if with a 19-gun salutes and an arrival ceremony full of pomp and circumstance. they will hold a joint news conference at noon today followed by a state dinner tonight. we will have that 9:00 a.m. eastern time on c-span 3. we begin with last night s primary. rick santorum leading in two states. but what is next for newt gingrich? dial in on your respective phone lines. also, you can send us an e-mail or a tweet. or post your comments on facebook. let me show you the local papers this morning. santorum sweeps in alabama. and in mississippi, santorum by a hair. the washington times this morning has this to say about last night s primary so this morning we want to hear from you about last night s primaries, what you think should be newt gingrich s next move. and the baltimore sun susan is supporting mitt romney in mary