has never heard of and you have never heard of. >> i'm not going anywhere, folks. >> you are talking about trump, right? [ laughter ] >> you can mention his name. >> we do not speak his name. >> jeb bush and donald trump are on a near collision course in new hampshire. >> jebs right down the street they are sleeping. they are sleeping now. >> he takes every opportunity he can to spar with jeb bush. >> jeb bush is a low-energy person. >> i am the tortoise in the race. >> ask you ask a positive question. see if it is possible. >> he is like a lion tamer. whipping them in to action sfwlchlt trump clearly has talent. >> everyone out there is hanging on his every word. >> he is bigger than the republican party. >> if you are on the hard right you get no attention this summer. >> i was on jury duty. did you see it. >> first time someone didn't have to act like racist or sexist to get out of jury duty. tonight, donald trump and jeb bush held town hall events at locations 25 miles away from each other in new hampshire. jeb bush's event was scheduled first and donald trump rushed to schedule an event near the bush event deliberately to draw attention away from the bush event and of course it worked. news networks, including this one, covered the trump event live ignoring the bush event and of course trump drew a much bigger crowd to his event. at the press conference before his event and in his town hall, donald trump did what he does every day, attack mexico, china, and jeb bush. trump the insult candidate, as usual, focuses virtually all of his attacks of other candidates on jeb bush. >> i am not a common core person. jeb bush wants common core. have i gotten under jeb bush's skin? i don't know. i will tell you this -- you mention the word skin. he said the other day one of the dumber things i've ever heard in politics when talking about iraq. for him to say that we have to show them we have skin in the game is one of the really dumb statements. i'd say his other dumb statement is an act of love. i don't see how he's electable. on top of that, he talks about women's health issues and he's against women's health but he's bad on women's health issues. jeb bush is a low-energy person. >> donald trump is not going to win the presidency. donald trump is not going to win the republican nomination for president but what he is going to do every day he's in the race is find every way he can to hurt the former republican front runner jeb bush. >> you look at bush, it took him five days to answer the question on iraq. he couldn't answer the question. he didn't know. i said is he intelligent? >> i'm not a fan of jeb bush. the last thing we need is another bush. okay. >> i think bush is an unhappy person and doesn't have energy and i don't see how he could win. >> who would you rather have negotiating a really good deal with mexico, china, japan? trump or jeb bush? i'm not a fan of jeb bush. jeb bush is in favor of common core and weak on immigration. those are two bad things. bush the other day didn't want to fund them. he said i don't want to fund women's health issues. he didn't want to fund. that's worst than romney's 47%. when they give a million dollars or $5 million to jeb bush they have total control over him. he will do like a puppet whatever they say. >> jeb bush is a puppet to his donors. he has lobbyists. i know them. >> joining us now michael steel former chair of the republican party and msnbc political analyst, casey hunt, msnbc political correspondent and the host of changing america on shift by msnbc. kasie hunt, you had your choice of events to go to in new hampshire. let me guess. were you by any chance at the trump event? >> maybe. yes. i was. although i did get a chance to catch john kasich earlier in the day but it was not possible, as you said to be at jeb bush's event and donald trump's at the same time. >> this the turnout for trump's event, is there any way of gauging how many of those people are eager to see truch sworn in as the next president of the united states and how many are there to see trump the insult candidate perform? >> i actually think it was a mix. there were definitely some people on board with him. and i talked to a number of what i would describe as your standard new hampshire voter. i talked to one woman, who had the first question, who had been to see kasich and christie and she said i'm trying to see all of them but she wanted to get in there and see donald trump. the atmosphere, i have to tell you, whas raucous. their questions was with abo-- e hooting and hollering go get them donald. a lot of back and forth, cheering unlike what you would consider to be a standard new hampshire town hall, especially at this stage, this months away from the primary. >> michael steel, there are a lot of ways to look at the trump campaign. one way to look at it is a mission to take out beb jeb bush. there's nothing he concentrates on more relentlessly than going after jeb bush. >> well, yeah. i don't know if it is so much about jeb bush per se as much as it is jeb bush as the obstacle that could derail, upset and really hinder his ability to solidify the lead he has. in every poll, virtually every poll, jeb bush is the number two. yes, he may be double-digits behind, but he's the second choice. what he is trying to do is take down the second choice. i will submit to you if that were scott walker or john kasich, they would then see that fire aimed at them because what donald is doing right now is making the transition, which actually began this past weekend on "meet the press" where he's introducing policy. he's getting a little more specific. he is trying to tone it down, except when he is getting in a raucous room like that. >> by the time i heard the third day of jeb bashing, which is the third day of the trump campaign, i started to wonder outloud on this program, how long could jeb bush take this without fighting back? there wasn't any comeback at all. the strategy in the first week of the campaign was just say nothing. let this pass. that strategy didn't work. >> i think that's the problem. jeb bush actually had several opportunities to lay down not only policy but leadership. when donald trump went after mexican community and started to say those awful things, jeb bush could have stepped in and said this is not the type of campaign the republican party wants to talk about. he had several opportunities to do that and he has been able to do that and now what you see is trump using his weakness, jeb bush's weakness to go ahead and say let's lay down these policies that i call. i'm speaking specifically to immigration. in the problem with what he is talking about -- earlier you said who's he derailing, jeb bush, i would with say that trump is derailing the republican party because no one is keeping him quiet and the only way to get to the white house is mobilizing the latino vote and that's not what he is doing at all. >> let's listen to a report on fox news earlier today. this is charlie gaspirino who has good sources with republican voters. listen to what he has to say about what might be coming donald trump's way. >> what we understand at the fox business network, i am hearing this from gop donors, people on wall street who give to particularly rubio, these are my sources, scott walker, they are planning, that the candidates, and not coordinating but planning attack ads on trump post labor day to sort of reset the primary, as they put it. >> jonathon allen, i was wondering how long it was going to take them. if that timetable is right we will see them after labor day. >> what if it doesn't work, lawrence. >> that's the point. >> the thing that's going to well for trump right now he is not your typical politician. he doesn't play by the rules. you heard him in the event in new hampshire that kasie was at saying people were offering him money $5 million from one guy he turned down. he said i can't be bought. i know how the game will play. the other guys will come in with outside money and i will spend my own money. that's part of his narrative. it may serve to reinforce his point. the other thing going on with regard to him hitting jeb bush, take it back a couple of decades and remember george h.w. bush got called a wimp a lot. "newsweek" had a cover talking about the wimp factor. think what donald trump is saying if you boil it down, is jeb bush is a wimp and i'm not. i think that's something the bush family struggled with over time. george w. bush didn't have as much of that issue but i think jeb is suffering from it now. >> let's listen to how jeb bush handled donald trump tonight in new hampshire when the trump question came up. >> polls have been taken all over the country. candidate leading in all of the polls. >> which one is that? trump, right. you can mention his name. he's the current front runner. he's done a pretty amazing job to get to that point. but we're a conservative republican party. i think what people will vote for is a proven conservative leader that's done it, not talked about it, done it. mr. trump doesn't have a proven conservative record. he was a democrat longer than republican. he has given more money to democrats than republicans. even on immigration where it's -- look, the language is pretty vitriolic but hundreds of millions of dollars to implement his plan is not a conservative plan. >> your party did not nominate a proven conservative leader last time around. how important is that concept this time? >> it's very important. that concept has been out there in the either of the gop since '96. every election cycle you have the base kpas per rated because they have collected someone they don't believe is authentically conservative. a lot of what jeb bush laid down as an indictment against trump, voters around the country go i don't care. the other stuff he's bringing is so much more palpable and powerful for them that that's what they are gravitating towards. it's a real conundrum for folks if they think they are going to come at him from the right. and sort of cast him as this other republican, as this rhino or this republican conservative wannabe. i don't think it will fly right now. we eel see if they put it in their ads what happens after labor day as voters settle down and the campaigns take on a different meaning the closer you get to the first primary dates. right now, i don't know how much bang for that buck they will get. >> everyone please stay with us while we take this quick break. coming up in tonight's rewrite, the story of the 14-year-old irish girl who helped cement birthright citizenship in american law. and a new poll on the democratic race for president. it shows the field tightening under hillary clinton. the mercedes-benz summer event is here. now get the unmistakable thrill and the incredible rush of the mercedes-benz you've always wanted. but you better get here fast... yay, daddy's here! here you go, honey. thank you. ...because a good thing like this phew! won't last forever. see your authorized dealer for an incredible offer on the exhilarating c300 sport sedan. but hurry, offers end august 31st. share your summer moments in your mercedes-benz with us. watch as these magnificent creatures take flight, soaring 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we're going to have to find out what's going to happen from a court standpoint, but many people, many of the great scholars say that anchor babies are not covered. we're going to find out. >> that led meg rose to ask who are the great scholars that say 14th amendment doesn't apply to children of undocumented immigrants. that's a great question for donald trump and i'm going to have more on that in tonight's rewrite. you can send your questions to us on-line. i found her wandering miles from home. when the phone rang at 5am, i knew it was about mom. i see how hard it's been on her at work and i want to help. for the 5 million americans living with alzheimer's, and millions more who feel its effects. let's walk together to make an even bigger impact and end alzheimer's for good. find your walk near you at >> you have to talk to these people and see the head of ford. >> and they say the labor is cheaper over there. >> that's good but you have to pay a tax to get the cars back in. you have to pay a penalty. if they are going to do it to us we will do it to them. >> then they will say my car will cost more for your people. >> no, they are going to make cars here. >> do you think the sticker on foreign cars will show the trump tax? will it be identified as the trump tariff that raised the cost of your car 2500 or $3,000. >> in the folks in the automotive industry have anything to do with it, absolutely. they know what impact that will have on their bottom line with the american consumer and the american consumer will quickly realize, as well. one of the aspects of the conversation donald trump is having, you look at it as a bunch of dots. the question is how do you connect the dots? when you want to control on one end, you have to account for what happens on the other end. there are consequences. it's very much interconnected. yes, a manufacturer may want to build overseas because the labor is cheaper, but you have to -- he and the government have to calculate what that means when they bring that product back to the u.s., as well, for the american consumer and the american economy. that part of the conversation breaks down a little bit. >> jonathon allen, because of things like that that trump said tonight and others, jeb bush tweeted tonight after his town hall event something to the effect -- i think we have the tweet. we can put it on the screen -- he said calling it like i see it. donald trump is a tax hiking democrat. >> look, i think the question of conservative versus moderate or conservative versus democrat is not as important right now to republican voters as the inside or outsider paradigm. i think what we are seeing from trump is a lot of enthusiasm from someone that comes from the outside and doesn't sound like a politician. the issue with the car tax, i think the point trump is trying to make is you would want to deter the cars from making their cars outside of the u.s. rather than making them pay a tax coming back. >> wait a minute. we just heard him say he would put a tax on -- he didn't say deter or encourage, or i would use my bully pulpit. he said i want to put a tax on cars made outside of the united states. >> he absolutely said that and presumably since he is saying he doesn't want the cars made outside of the u.s. and brought back in maybe i'm making a leap there but the tax code is used as a deterrent. >> that goes to connecting the dots. that's what i was talking about. you know, the same conversation two different takeaways from it. that's why he needs to connect those dots so we understand what he means. >> kasie hunt, isn't that the kind of thing that could be included in the attack ads against drumonald trump that ar predicted after labor day that they can get in to messages that says donald trump wants to raise the price of the car. >> absolutely. the thing about donald trump is everybody knows already what they want to hear from him, what they expect from him. he's a known quantity, a global brand. he's all of these things that none of the rest of the field are right now. this is the phase of the campaign where these guys normally would be introducing themselves to voters, talking about with who they are and instead they are struggling to do that under the weight of this person who is already known. what we haven't seen are these ads, no matter who they come from and some could come from the bush super pac, you never know to define trump for voters. once pro life voters in iowa hear over and over again at the dinner table that donald trump was once pro-choice, do his numbers stay? i don't know -- we have see is way outside of the political system on many of these gaps. i don't know if is so far outside that that tv advertising push wouldn't affect him. >> this brings up one of the challenges of campaigning against donald trump and it is that -- i think the political media has given up. no one thinks that donald trump means what he says about anything. you can hear him use the word in a sentence. >> i don't think he believes it, lawrence. >> we can hear him use the word "tax" in a sentence and there will be political discussions of that that just assume he doesn't mean it. it's not held against him. >> he is very much the teflon candidate. nothing is sticking to him. that's the frustration that jeb bush has. the fact that jeb bush tries to make this loose chain he's a democrat. no one is buying it. the people he is rallying, and the base he is rallying right now is not the democratic base but the republican extreme base. jeb should stop tattooing donald trump as a democrat. it doesn't make sense. >> michael, what do you suggest to republican candidates who are trying to make facts stick to donald trump? is it a matter of patience, or let the attack ads do it in a cleaner, quicker way. >> at this point, i take a break and regroup. >> have a latte. >> exactly. because of everything. >> no more calf phone. >> no more caffeine. because of everything you have heard here tonight, he's created such an atmosphere of fog, if you will, that the other candidates have not figured out how to break through. if they get ready for the next debate in a few weeks, i'd probably concentrate less on trying to paint him as a democrat because i think maria is right. no one is really buying that right now. i think the focus should be how do you put yourself on ta stage in a way that draws the light to you. we saw carly fiorina do it very well, very effectively. so you don't have to go out there and be with the pitch fork and knife and screaming at trump. you can do it with solid presentation, sound policy discussion and grab the people's attention that way. >> go ahead. >> i want to jump in there. one thing i would point out to michael's point that i think is interesting about what jeb bush did tonight. he tweeted and talked about a it, yes but everybody around jeb bush's campaign made sure that all reporters knew what he had said. they are pushing this out there. it's not that he is just doing this. i think they made a calculation that there was no way he would get in the bloodstream if he didn't go after trump like this. it is a marked shift in strategy for bush that i think takes a step away from what michael was talking about. >> now it elevates trump. you have trump the big brand in the republican primary pushing to get in the bloodstream of the case. which makes trump all the bigger. >> donald trump has sat for his first magazine cover interview. of course it was with the hollywood reporter. janice did a fabulous job and took him through territory no one else will take him through. like for example, who's your favorite actor? donald did not mention any actors over 80. only clint eastwood and robert duval and the others are no longer with us like marlon brando but there is my one point of agreement with donald trump. we agree on marlon brando and another fabulous question in "the hollywood reporter," our interview with trump. whose side are you on in defl e deflatega deflategate, tom brady and roger goodell. he got it right for new hampshire. tom brady. tom is an unbelievable guy. he's a very good friend of mine. i have his number right here someplace. whatever. here look, he just called me and trump then holds up a little post-it note with tom brady's new cell phone on there. michael steele, i think we learned why tom brady had to throw away that cell phone. >> we did. >> another example of him having his finger on the pulse of the people. tom brady or roger goodell. >> another quick break. kasie hunt thank you for joining us from hn houston tonight. really appreciate it. coming up next, a special rewrite just for donald trump and everyone who does not understand american law on birthright citizenship and just how long it has been part of american law. it predates the 14th amendment. and it predates the constitution itself. when you're not confident you have complete visibility into your business, it can quickly 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humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications haven't worked well enough. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. raise your expectations. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, control is possible. there is a big question as to the anchor babies. they have been talking about it for years. there's a big question as to whether or not the 14th amendment actually covers this. we're going to find out whether or not it does. changing the 14th amendment would take years and years. it is a long, drawn out process. a lot of people think it is absolutely in terms of anchor babies, that it is not covered. so we're going to find out. many of the great scholars say that anchor babies are not covered. we're going with to find out. >> oh, donald, there are no great scholars who say that. there are few things more deeply grounded in american law than the simple fact that babies born in this country are citizens of this country. it was formally written in to the constitution in the 14th amendment in 1868, the first sentence of the 14th amendment says, all persons born or naturalized in the united states and subject to the jurisdiction there of are citizens of the united states, and of the state wrn they reside. no court has ever found a hint of ambiguity in that sentence. but it was already the law of the land long before the 14th amendment. it always was for everyone except slaves. the 14th amendment was written after the civil war specifically to clarify that former slaves were citizens. for everyone else, there was never any real legal doubt about this. the first known legal challenge to this enshrined principle came in an inheritance case in new york. a 14-year-old irish girl named julia lynch was the beneficiary of a substantial inheritance from her uncle, who had done very well in the mineral water business in saratoga springs, new york, which still produces the most beautifully bottled mineral water in the country. in fact, for the better part of 100 years, saratoga springs water was so dominant in the mineral water business, that mineral water in general was known as saratoga water. julia lynch was legally challenged as being ineligible to receive her inheritance because she was not an american citizen. the first sentence of the judge's decision in that case describes julia lynch's brief residency in the united states which ended before her first birthday. the defendant, julia lynch, was born in the city of new york in 1819 of alien parents during their temporary sojourn in that city. she returned with them the same year to their native country and always resided there afterwards. judge lewis sanford, who wrote the opinion in the julia lynch case, went on to describe the history of american law on this subject, which predates the constitution and predates the revolutionary war. remember, american law existed before there was a constitution. 13 years passed between the beginning of the revolutionary war and the ratification of the constitution and before that, the colonies were subject to british law and american law. american law that was written in each of the individual colonies and applying to each of those individual colonies. as judge sanford noted in the julia lynch case, the common law by which all persons born within the kings allegiance became subjects whatever were the situation of their parents became the law of the colonies and so continued while they were connected with the crown of great britain. it was thus the law of each and all of the states at the declaration of independence. and so, birthright citizenship has been an unshakable principle of american law since colonial times. the influence of english common law on american law was as strong after the revolution and the constitution as it was before. judge sanford noted, the constitution of the united states, as well as those of all the 13 old states presupposed the existence of the common law and was founded upon its principles. and of course, the common law included birthright citizenship. so it was without any legal strain at all that judge sanford found in favor of julia lynch writing, it is therefore the law of the united states that children born here are citizens without any regard to the political condition or allegiance of their parents. and that a law of the united states applied to an irish baby born in new york city in 1819 who left the country within months of her birth and never returned. such is the inalienable right to citizenship for babies born in the united states of america. donald trump's wishful thinking cannot rewrite that law. it cannot rewrite the 14th amendment of the constitution. he cannot rewrite judge sanford's opinion about julia lynch's citizenship written 24 years before the 14th amendment. >> why don't you have your guys file a federal suit tomorrow. >> we're going to test it out. that's going to happen, bill. >> donald trump will not find a legal scholar to mount a court challenge to birthright citizenship. the julia lynch case can never be reversed. in court, donald trump wouldn't have a chance against julia lynch, a 14-year-old irish girl who lived in the united states for only a few months and who came by her american citizenship the same way donald trump did, by being born in new york city. so, as the irish say, raise is glass to julia lynch. and tonight, at least make it a saratoga water for once. you drop 40 grand on 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federal agents are looking at whether classified information was compromised. they got that assignment after intelligence officials said some e-mails publicly released from her private server contain classified information, like this one sent to her in november 2012 about possible arrests in benghazi redacted, in part, before it was released. or this one sent by her close aide on deteriorating conditions in benghazi. mrs. clinton said the didn't think any of those e-mails were classified. >> i did not send or receive any material that was marked or designated classified, which is the way you know whether something is. >> reporter: could she be charged with a crime? could it be like the case against former general petraeus, he pleaded guilty to mishandling classified information. clinton supporters say that was different. >> you had someone who knew he was holding on to classified information, admitted on tape he knew the information was classified and turned over to someone who was not authorized to view that information. >> reporter: a former republican attorney general said mrs. clinton could be charged just as petraeus was for keeping classified material where it shouldn't be. >> the place in his case was his home. in her case it is her private e-mail server. the question then becomes whether she was the one that caused it to be done and whether she knew that information on there was classified. >> reporter: could others be charged with a crime? legal experts say it would take proof that they knew they were putting classified material in to her unclassified server or grossly negligent in doing it. her campaign said nothing that has come to light suggests she did anything improper. pete williams, nbc news, washington. up next the latest poll in the race for the democratic presidential nomination. pubut to get from theand yoold way to the new,d. you'll need the right it infrastructure. from a partner who knows how to make your enterprise more agile, borderless and secure. hp helps business move on all the possibilities of today. and stay ready for everything that is still to come. when a moment whturns romantic, a moment why pause to take a pill? and why stop what you're doing to find a bathroom? with cialis for daily use, you don't have to plan around either. it's the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. why pause the moment? 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>> i think, you know, the trustworthiness factor is something she struggled with before. i think it hurt her in the democratic primary in twachlt i think when she gets on the trail and starts to talk in legalistic terms, when she talks about how policy processes work, often times it sounds like she's either not telling the truth or kind of walking around the truth. i think that's been a problem for her. i think the insul lar nature of her campaign. this time they brought in folks from the obama world. but as one put it you are talking about the mercenaries not the missionaries. these are not necessarily true believerers but professional political operatives and that makes it harder to tap in to the trends going on. i think, you know, some of the other mistakes here, the complete separation of her, the inability to access her. the number of people around hempl i know she has secret service protection. the whole idea she is a washington insider, somebody out of touch with the public is reinforced when she rolls in with security contingent and aides that is larger than any other candidate. i think, you know, anything she can do to get closer to the people is good for her. >> there's a question in the cnn poll, should joe biden run? and it is yes 55, no 45. that's a majority of democrats saying he should run. i'm wondering whether it is linked to this question in here which is about the -- about her e-mails, the poll asked respondents, did she do something wrong? did she not do something wrong? do you have no opinion. 56 % now think she did something wrong. that was 51% back in march. wrong is an interesting word. it's not illegal. it's just this notion of wrong. maria teresa, with that number creeping up, it has to be uncomfortable for the clinton camp. >> part of it is it is it took so lock fng for her to come out have a statement and when she did it was in front of the u.n. it was an awkward backdrop. she is trying to find her sea legs and she is not finding them necessarily. and i think it goes back to what is happening with jeb bush. the reason they are having a hard time in their races is they have these two distinct individuals, trump on one side and bernie sanders on the other that come off as authentic and speaking off the cuff. hillary's best moment r moment was with the black lives matter encounter where she was -- she was having a conversation. a video was leaked. you can see all of a sudden her guard was down and she was having an authentic conversation with someone. and i think that is what americans are looking for. the more the candidates are unpolished and come off authentic is where she can have a chance of moving forward in the polls. i think that's why people are attracted to joe biden, vice president biden because he is an old joe. he is someone people want to have conversations. definitely a politician but knows how to roll up his sleeves and be authentic. >> michael steele, we will have to wait for your comment after this break. >> sure. >> i'm sorry. we have to get some commercials in here. when we come back, how bernie sanders can get a larger portion of the democratic base. at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like shopping hungry equals overshopping. ♪ mother nature can turn in an instant; don't turn back. introducing the new 2016 ford explorer. be unstoppable. ♪ this is my fight song... hand apparently, they also lovee what's up with these things, victor? 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[ cheers and applause ] and we have had just a beautiful turnout here tonight. >> maria teresa kumar, the question is how do they broaden their appeal beyond that crowd that has them leading now in new hampshire? he's ahead of hillary clinton in the latest poll in new hampshire. >> one of his challenges is he is able to rally the white progressive vote. he isn't well known when you talk about the african-american community and definitely not the latino community. before coming on the show i had this conversation with a friend of mine that is very excited about bernie sanders but he talked to his dad and he said what do you think about bernie and his show in los angeles and his dad said who's bernie? that's the big problem he is going to face, that challenge. >> it is there in the cnn poll on the favorability and unfavorability of hillary clinton and bernie sanders. he is 38% favorable, 28% unfavorable which is a low unfavorable and 34% never heard of him. that's not hillary clinton's problem. she is 58% favorable, 38% unfavorable. jonathon allen, that poll of favorability indicates if bernie sanders figures how to do it he can move those people who have never heard of him. >> certainly there's room for him to move. by the way of disclosure, i once sold bernie sanders a house. i obviously have a stake in being able to tell my kids i sold a house to him. >> were you the real estate agent? >> no, my wife and i sold our home to bernie sanders. it is fascinating doing a real estate deal with a socialist. >> i can imagine. >> did he pay -- never mind. >> full disclosure. i think what you are seeing going on here, i may have reached a critical point for bernie sanders in his ability, as maria suggested that he has to break out of the white vote at some point. the democratic party is a diverse coalition. if you look at events he is in front of a sea of white. hillary clinton event, for instance in nevada you see black, hispanic, white, the sort of full spectrum of the democratic party. bernie has not noen shown an ability to break out of that base. >> michael steele, your reading of bernie sanders closing this gap with hillary clinton, he seems to be doing consistently but doesn't seem to do it outside of iowa and new hampshire yet. >> no, he doesn't. i think that goes back to what maria teresa and jonathon said about he has a low ceiling here right now. the question is can he punch through it and begin to expand his ability to reach other voters, particularly african-americans and hispanics and that's why you have the let's enter joe bidenen. joe biden won't have that problem. there's talk around town, serious talk about how he makes that move probably late fall. so i think hillary clinton is now looking at both sides of this and figuring out what next. >> jonathon allen, bring pictures of the house next it's a very big question as to the anchor babies. >> fundamentally transform america. he keeps games team. >> the people who are here legally would therefore be owned by the state and become an asset of the state. >> the latest from the trump townhall in new hampshire. hillary clinton fights back. >> with a cloth or something? >> more evidence that server gate is just another di

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