financial system. you create strife. 5, you encourage riots or you just plan them. you coordinate them and plan them . then people cry out for a solution which brings you here. they have the solution and the people in power to implement it. got it? bottom up tom down. inside out. hard part i will get to that one in a second. this that i just show you is education. once you know this, everything changes. you start to see the world differently and that s why education must happen. go to glenn beck.comand read more. all of the foot notes i will share with you. you need to see it and apply it and see how history is repeating, and the world opens up. but there is more to it. there is empowerment. not enlightenment but
financial system. you create strife. 5, you encourage riots or you just plan them. you coordinate them and plan them . then people cry out for a solution which brings you here. they have the solution and the people in power to implement it. got it? bottom up tom down. inside out. hard part i will get to that one in a second. this that i just show you is education. once you know this, everything changes. you start to see the world differently and that s why education must happen. go to glenn beck.comand read more. all of the foot notes i will share with you. you need to see it and apply it and see how history is repeating, and the world opens up. but there is more to it. there is empowerment.