america. look at this. i mean, this is america. this is america. have you been to detroit? it more resembled the ruins was persopolis than anything in america. there you go, the ruins. that looks nicer than detroit. the watts riots. the riots, that was the inspiration. their solution. guaranteed income. that is communism. but nixon was in power and so they had to put people in power to implement a solution . then create or exploit problems over whelming collapse the financial system and so they have to exploit the problems that we have and
the ones that inherited and overwhelmingly collapse the financial system by getting more and more people on welfare and on the dole until it just cannot hold anymore and that will then, cause riot in the streets. people will rise up because they will be hungry and poor and don t have it. they have expected this system to work and if they riot and if they don t people who have the solution will encourage the riots and the people, you, will cry out for somebody to do something and those people who now have power will implement the solution . gosh, how do people not see this? make no mistakes, detroit was by design. this is e2, education. now, you know what they are
vad taylor but has a cool name and and story. how about mussolini. everybody loved him. new york times. oh, mussolini is great . all of the italians loved him. mussolini was a good man. new york times wrote glowingly until he murdered a million people. a solution of him was eched in the arc tecture in new york city and rockefeller city. it was later replaced because people say i don t think that is good like this. don t worry about it, you blogs, it is a crazy oh, and only the quent centual book on art of rockefeller center at columbia university said that. big governments always collapse .
why? because you are not capable of making your own decision and so the all powerful knowing government of the mube man s ruler. this is what van jones said. know who you are and know that you have the power as the individual. they just want you to have the power of the individual to be angry . in fact, quote from yoda. fear is the path to the dark side. fear leads to anger and anger lead toz hate. hate leads to suffering. which leads us here if you don t get in the anger and hate. rise up and cloward and 55en said rise nup your anger, no, no, no. anger leads to suffering . anger lead toz riots and calling out for a solution. they have one and they will implement and you lose your freedom. this solution and
financial system. you create strife. 5, you encourage riots or you just plan them. you coordinate them and plan them . then people cry out for a solution which brings you here. they have the solution and the people in power to implement it. got it? bottom up tom down. inside out. hard part i will get to that one in a second. this that i just show you is education. once you know this, everything changes. you start to see the world differently and that s why education must happen. go to glenn beck.comand read more. all of the foot notes i will share with you. you need to see it and apply it and see how history is repeating, and the world opens up. but there is more to it. there is empowerment. not enlightenment but