Because there are not people in the department to do it. And you know, that is going to take the money and so hopefully, you will look at it that way, and i guess that it was item number five and it is going to talk about this a lot more and you are going to hear from a lot more people. And i just wanted to get it kick started. Thanks a lot. Is there any more Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Okay. Next item. We are going to move to item 5. Mr. , chair, so have we schedule this item to come back to us on september the 5th. Is that what we have done . That is on the table and if the commissioners yes, it is. I was calendared for the if i have and this so we have a discussion on that at that point and we can vote or not vote or whatever. I think that at that point, the dm has to signoff on their final draft, and so you are encouraged to get the comments in. And a lot of good comments said here. He can implement them in the report it seems fair. Okay that is who they
Years now and i have always known if there is an issue i can speak to tom or dan and they have been always available to speak to the public via, the citizens or architects like myself or anyone involved in the project sponsor team and i would like to express my support. Thank you. Next speaker . Hello, gardener again, before you. And i would like to emphasize, the important of continuity in the department and not only in the Building Department, but, among the other departments. And dpw, and water departments, and you know, fire, in particular, and tom, and his team and a lot of them are here today, and we have been working with for the last few years, since we went to this process in the last time. And you know, we have made, significant progress. And we have learned a lot from that last process. And you know, we understand that you have to go through it again and you have the proper procedures, and you know, at this point, you know, we have not established hierarchy and we have not e
Have used them effectively in my life in the past and there are six words, can do, will do, and how fit. And on the ka do side, for tom hewey, he is a certified building official. And he is also registered civil and structural engineer. And he has so many other certifications and that it would take up the afternoon and i say that in one sentence but he also has the amazing experience in the private unpublic sector, and you heard something about the work with dbi. And on the will do, is more about about it, if you look at his career, and he is also a member of the professional organizations, and the north american Structural Engineers and the north American Society of Civil Engineers as well as the work that he does here in dbi and the public advisorry committee and so tom is highly motivated. And the last one, how fit, in most recruitments circles is found to be the most difficult. How do you, get this information or individuals to fit well into the organization . And i have a experien
From a lot more people. And i just wanted to get it kick started. Thanks a lot. Is there any more Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Okay. Next item. We are going to move to item 5. Mr. , chair, so have we schedule this item to come back to us on september the 5th. Is that what we have done . That is on the table and if the commissioners yes, it is. I was calendared for the if i have and this so we have a discussion on that at that point and we can vote or not vote or whatever. I think that at that point, the dm has to signoff on their final draft, and so you are encouraged to get the comments in. And a lot of good comments said here. He can implement them in the report it seems fair. Okay that is who they go to. Yes. That is true on the sign and goes to bill and then i guess, with what was the Deputy Director will deal with those comments that we might send . And then i will calendar for the fifth. Okay. So might i just ask that we have some idea of the timing whe
The commissioners why it is there and i believe that we have the parties here, and to start item five and they can give us a scope of what is going on. I dont know who. Okay. Good days, commissioners im sheryl inaudible of alliance resource. And i want to read this to the record. We are addressing item five and discussion on the recruitment process of the director of the department of building inspection. I want to recap the progress to date, on june 4th we sent out invitations to the target list of individuals, these individuals were based on our research, to appear to have the most ideal fit and experience to what you would express in your recruitment brochure. And we also placed a round of recruitment calls to the individuals for a response and a feedback as well, to insure that we cast as wide of a net as possible and to encourage the minority and female out reach, we placed the ads nationwide in ten places. The deadline was june 28th, and as of the deads line, we received a large