and it s so much more than that. how much of a feminist message has it got? i think it, yeah, it definitely does. it s got a lot of female empowerment, but i think it s also got a ken imist message in there as well. this movie is secretly for the kens as well. # because i m just ken. # anywhere else, i d be a ten. and taking on the role of ken, ryan gosling. # to live and die a life of blonde fragility. but there s a lot of feelings in that plastic heart, turns out. i wouldn t want a ken splain the barbie movie. i think, it sjust there are many experiences you can have with this film. it s very layered. and finally, how s the ken ergy tonight? i think it s very strong. yeah. do you feel it? i m feeling very underdressed. oh, you don t? that s not what ken ergy is, man. no, no, no. i feel it. it s there. this is the real world. the film tells the story of barbie having an existential crisis and deciding to visit the real world. and it s written and directed by triple 0scar nominee and i
When the SEC targeted Binance and Coinbase in lawsuits, the fallout cost more than a dozen of cryptos about $5 billion in market value. Some believe stablecoins and DeFi could be next.
it s currently hovering around one year highs. this is even the industry has been caught in the cross hairs of the us securities regulator. the sec has sued trading platforms binance and coinbase. on alleged violations of securities law. but in comments to my colleague aaron heslehurst. coinbase s chief legal officer says the current rules must be clearer. as you point out, coinbase has been engaged with our security exchange commission with for some time on these topics. we have sought regulatory clarity over whether certain types of crypto currencies or tokens are securities on the one hand or commodities on the other hand for some time post it as an issue that matters in the united states because we do not havejust one regulator, the securities and exchange commission at the federal but a second, a commodities futures trading commission as well. so the definitions matter and the labels matter and unfortunately even as we have gone through the process of listing as a public company,
but in comments to my colleague aaron heslehurst. coinbase s chief legal officer says the current rules must be clearer. as you point out, coinbase has been engaged with our security exchange commission with for some time on these topics. we have sought regulatory clarity over whether certain types of crypto currencies or tokens are securities on the one hand or commodities on the other hand for some time post it as an issue that matters in the united states because we do not havejust one regulator, the securities and exchange commission at the federal but a second, a commodities futures trading commission as well. so the definitions matter and the labels matter and unfortunately even as we have gone through the process of listing as a public company, we have now come to realise that the sec, the market for securities regulation has changed course, has taken a very different view of its authority and it now claims essentially that all digital assets are securities other than perhaps bi