and it s so much more than that. how much of a feminist message has it got? i think it, yeah, it definitely does. it s got a lot of female empowerment, but i think it s also got a ken imist message in there as well. this movie is secretly for the kens as well. # because i m just ken. # anywhere else, i d be a ten. and taking on the role of ken, ryan gosling. # to live and die a life of blonde fragility. but there s a lot of feelings in that plastic heart, turns out. i wouldn t want a ken splain the barbie movie. i think, it sjust there are many experiences you can have with this film. it s very layered. and finally, how s the ken ergy tonight? i think it s very strong. yeah. do you feel it? i m feeling very underdressed. oh, you don t? that s not what ken ergy is, man. no, no, no. i feel it. it s there. this is the real world. the film tells the story of barbie having an existential crisis and deciding to visit the real world. and it s written and directed by triple 0scar nominee and i