Decades in the making, the soon-to-be-completed section of the Carson City Freeway Project will finally give motorists a fast route around low-speed, stoplight-laden Carson Street.
This appears to be the week where everyone lays out their plan for resuscitating the floundering American economy. President Barack Obama will delineate his plan of action tonight, the leading GOP .
Decades in the making, the soon-to-be-completed section of the Carson City Freeway Project will finally give motorists a fast route around low-speed, stoplight-laden Carson Street.
The Forest Service is raising picnic and camping fees for Mt. Charleston, ending lower rates during the week you still have the opportunity to make a public comment.
The Carson City Parks, Recreation & Open Space Department will be coordinating the annual Fuel Reduction Program using sheep starting April 13. This project is also in coordination with the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, Nevada Division of State Lands, the Washoe Tribe and Carson Community Council, and private property owners.