they fly at 4 miles a second in a polar orbit snapping huge swaths of pictures at a time. how would they have taken these images and determined it was debris? they re looking for bright objects against a dark sea. sometimes you use change detection software to do that. other times they have human eyeballs. in the case of the australians, they had lots and lots of eye balls. reporter: google earth can zoom in and capture these photos. but these satellite pictures of the objects in question are fuzzy. brown says australian intelligence officials likely saw higher resolution versions than the ones released to the public. that s because they don t want to share that information with potential adversaries, for example. reporter: why did it take four days for the pictures to go public? brown says digital globe would have had to download them to ground stations then send them via satellite to their colorado labs, process them in different formats, then send them to the
by way of information and stay with the knowledge that she is strong and courageous. her goodness must count for something somewhere. we spoke with her husband and she wrote this piece. she called it man s quiet reckoning on flight 370. thank you so much for joining us on your vacation none the less. we appreciate it. when i was reading your piece, what jumped out at me is unlike any of the other families who are holed up in the rooms, he wanted to stay home. he didn t want to hang on every word of the daily press briefings. why? that s right. he chose to stay at home in the indian city where he wanted to be surrounded by the people who loved him most. his daughter, his mother, his mother-in-law. he s a very quiet person. what struck me by what he wrote was that quiet strength coming out in his words.
meanwhile, the plane is already committed to the turn. it s on automatic pilot. how far would you go? you would go until you ran out of gas. since the plane was fueled for what we think, seven hours, that s how it ends up down there in the southern indian ocean. except for one thing a plane with no brain. if it is true that before the pilots said, all right, good night, 12 minutes before that somebody reprogrammed the computers. wouldn t that shoot that theory down? well, that s right. there is no sort of explanation anyone s come up with that covers all of the kind of parameters that we ve heard of information. no you we re assuming that everything we ve heard or information that s been leaked or heard from sources is totally accurate. you can t verify that, as tom says, until we find the black boxes. there s no perfect explanation as yet. that s because we have seemingly a complete lack of real evidence. tom, let s talk about that
more and more it s becoming a normal usage for pilots getting very near the push back phase if they have to talk to or dispatch department, duty officers, or crew scheduling or even a late night goodbye to a wife or children or whatever. eight minutes is time enough to do something. your preparations are finished by that time and you are waiting for the push back time for everybody else on the airplane to get done with their jobs. that s a downtime for the pilots. we are fully repaired and that would allow you a little time to make a personal call or call inside to the company to clarify some issue. to both of you, because you have been reading and have been analyzing for days and days, now that you are armed with a fair amount of information that were lacking quite a bit in the story, rick and then bill, what
it is an airplane and where it s going. this is why the information is unknown at this time. we don t know how long it was there and what altitude. i hope that answers your questions. thank you for that. for seth and this is something i have seen a bunch. we talked about the possibility of the cabin lot of pressure. for the pressure from cynthia, are the pressure systems in the cabin and cockpit, are they separate systems and can someone in the cockpit disable oxygen in the cabin? seth? the pilot controls the airflow. certainly in the cabin. in aircraft you have zones definitely. you can have different temperatures, for example, if different parts of the plane. you have zones. but the idea that they could disable it for the rest of the persons and not for themselves would be difficult. you have ax jen masks so