Representative Lauren Boebert is a lot of things. She’s a mom of four, married to a fella who only exposed himself to minors at a bowling alley that one time. She’s a failed internet model turned small business owner, running a restaurant known more for its defiant political positions and its merch! than its food. She’s also a gun fetishist, a Q-Anon sympathizer, a Trump worshipper and the U.S. House representative from Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District.
What she’s not is a trademark and copyright attorney. Or, apparently, good with things like details and deadlines.
If you re wondering what the parody site looks like, it
does use the same main image as Lauren s official Congressional site (different from her campaign site). Here s what the mobile version of the parody site looks like:
And here s her official Congressional site (note the same image):
The parody site honestly doesn t have that much more on it. It shows a couple Boebert tweets, then has links to some other parody sites of wacky Republican members of Congress and Senators, and says that it s a parody site (which isn t just a talisman where saying it automatically makes it true).
Update: There actually is a bit more on the website that I had missed on first pass: under the blog tab, there are some posts that include a number of images of Boebert. It is extremely unlikely that the copyright to any of those works are held by the US government. It is possible that some are held by Boebert herself (unclear if her Congressional Office would hold the copyright), but we ll get there