all right. breaking news at this hour. as we mentioned earlier, the new york times reporting that the president s own lawyers are now advising him to refuse, refuse an interview in the russia inquiry. of course, the president expressing his enthusiasm, how much he was looking forward to sitting down with mueller and his team, subject, he said, to his lawyers getting involved. well, his lawyers appear to be vetoing now, setting up a question of whether the president invoking the fifth amendment, whether he simply refuses and waits for a compelled subpoena, and then a possible showdown over how that subpoena is enforced. now, in the wake of the nunes memo, there seem to be two positions that people out there are arguing about the fbi and political interference in the election. one of them coming from nunes and the president and his allies is at the highest level of the fbi and the department of justice were engaging in a nefarious conspiracy by political opponents of donald trump to hu
dan dicker is an independent oil man, author of shale boom, shale bust. there s a reason presidents tend to shy away from grabbing credit for big dow swings upward. because you can t really control it. you never know when the downturn is going to happen. and all market analysts know when it starts going down, it goes down really, really fast and it s really painful and really quickly. what did you make of today? i can t say much of it. i would like to blame it on trump and call this the nunes drop or the trump dump. the nunes drop. that seems unlikely. there s a top to a market and people want to put a person on top of that. this is the person who turned the market around. and nunes is a guy who is trending on twitter for precisely that. but in essence, it s mostly a market that is taking the technical retrenchment from one that was basically very overextended over the course of the last year. you know, that point is interesting.
and i mean, the scenario that matthew laid out where you are getting all the way to the supreme court, the supreme court is telling him he has to comply and he just refuses, i don t know where we go from there, i don t know if anyone knows. but the supreme court is not going to be partisan about this. the supreme court is going to enforce that subpoena. let me just make sure, your confidence in that, about the supreme court i remember hearing law professors be like, this aca case is a dog, it s going to get thrown out, the next thing i know, it was at the supreme court. so i want to make sure, your confidence on this, that based on the nixon tapes precedent? where does that come from? it comes from that, and also, the courts have pushed back against trump. they see themselves very much as a co-equal branch. they don t want to be told that they don t have the power to enforce the laws of this country and to interpret those laws. and i don t think they re going to take kindly to so
for releasing it, so the american can read it themselves and truly make up their own mind? the american public wants as much information as they can to be able to form their own independent judgment for themselves. as far as the relevant material source in the memo, i would want as much of that information that can be released as possible. i think the american public wants as much information to be released as possible. they don t want to be able to just take my word for it or take your word for it. they want to be able to see them f for themselves. i respect that t i ha. i have a lot of faith in the american public. the question is what this will lead to, the answer is either all or nothing and you ll go with all as much as can possibly put out there. your colleague the democrat senator says if this memo comes out, referring to nunes, i have
public that the whole investigation is dirty, potentially that means perhaps that he believes he can then fire mueller with a clean conscience. let me read to you and to our viewers what the former cia director john brennan is now saying. he s blasting republicans for want to go release this controversial memo. quote, i ve had many fights with demes over the years on national security matters. but i never witnessed the type of political partisan behavior i m seeing from nunes and house republicans. absence of moral and ethical leadership in washington is fueling this government crisis. those are serious, serious words. this is trumpism, right? if you attack him, criticize him, he s going to hit back, no matter who you are.