candidates to worldviews and how increasingly the stark differences between them over core american principles truly are different from any other presidential rates, keeping them honest also tonight, new figures detailing just how many millions dollars in gifts supreme court justices have received over the years. and which serving justice raked in most of it later in the wake of an fda panel rejecting the use of mdma ecstasy to treat post-traumatic stress. my 60 minutes reporting on research into psychedelics in treating serious mental illness. good evening. thanks for joining us. we begin tonight. keep them honest with a matter of fact, not opinion know about the democratic republican candidates for president. whatever else you might think of them and whoever you plan on voting for november president biden and former president trump, see the world is differently one from another as any to modern-day candidates have what s more, there are differences are not trivial. they
Foreign policy works. and lately, the contrast between the two is increasingly on display from campaign rallies to courthouses, to cable news. and today are world war ii monument to american army rangers who fought and died on d-day 80 years ago we talk about democracy american democracy we often talk about the ideals of life liberty, pursuit of happiness but we don t talk about is how hard it is. how many ways we re asked to walk away, how many instincts are to walk away? the most natural instinct is to walk away to be selfish, to force our will upon others to seize power. never give up american democracy asks the hardest of things to believe that we re part of something bigger than ourselves prison biden today, going to hoc in normandy saying what even a decade ago would neither have been especially
to persist until someone gives in? iil certainly do think there are people in the white house telling him what federal workers are doing and certainly we know that he sd a regular watcher o cable news and stories like just aired are making their way in front of him. whether or not that s going to change his mind we don t know. as of now it does not seem to be the case because he certainly believes this is h an issue tha will be key to his re-election h since he campaigned so heavily on it, and he s not really willing to budge on it. thank you. in the coming weeks deputy attorney general rod rosenstein is expected to leave the justice department. he plans to step down after robert mueller saf investigativ and prosecutorial work is done. rosenstein would stay on until about early march. whiley things could change bas
coming for months now. sure rly there are people who te in to cable news and hear us talking about this. surely there are folks listening to what democratic lawmakers are saying when they re saying we re going to start various investigations. they ve surely seen those lists of all the toings they want to look into. do they just believe they re bulletproof snf is that why there s not a war room or is the president himself refusing to allow a war room to be created? look, intellectually, they understand this is coming. it s a different thing to know it intellectually and to really be prepared for it and organized for it. this is a president who doesn t have a full-fledged chief of staff at this point. couldn t find anybody to do it so he has an acting chief of staff at the moment. he doesn t have a political circle around him with the experience of these previous high-octane, high-charged powerful investigation kind of periods that obama, bush,
think is a delegit mization. what we do with a president say things that are not accurate, b it is the press s role to try and put out the facts for people to have and that s what we do and we re in a, in a few era here with president trump, but i think to your question, this is what we ve ben doing. and the irony is that just yesterday, he was going after the media saying the media is america s enemy. cnn was included in that group and yet, he s citing something he saw on o cable news and he s someone who of course could get clarification on anything he wan wants, right, when it comes to matters that are sensitive such as talking about another country, michael, what is your take on that? there s nothing new about this guy. his family is of german