deceptive but the fbi arrested him for false statements to the fbi. comey can t get his story straight. you know i love debating richard. laura: i love it. he advocates for his cause and probably a wonderful guy. but he is a little crazy on this. listen, hillary clinton cost hillary clinton the election. and saying the only thing that changed was the comey thing, no hillary clinton decided to put a private server in her house and not go by the standard state department rules. while i respect your passion for your cause that is an on suabsu statement. you are not supposed to take russians into the oval office and laura: and what regulation is that against? never hansanswered the quest. handed over state secrets?
this is about laura: this john, let me say something. this is about laura: it s important for people watching the show tonight to understand that what just happened with a rabid, pro illegal immigration activist. he is that but we invited him on. it s fun to have a spirited debate. what you just saw is what we talked about on monday of a week ago which was the attempt by the left to demonize those with whom they disagree. we didn t demonize him, he tried to demonize or dismiss you by saying who is this guy and they go personal because they are losing on the facts. put up the graphic of all the counties in california that are rejecting the sanctuary policies. now the open borders crowd will wave that off and say they don t
laura. there is a revolution brewing just like there is a revolution brewing in the governor s race here. and i m going to be the next governor of this state. who is this guy? i never heard of him. laura: enrique, you have i just want to tell you, god bless you. i really wish the best for you but it s you have been incredibly rude and nasty. to say who is he? i m sure he doesn t know who you are, it s a conversation which is why we invited you on the show to talk about something that is important. where did all your laura: and enrique is trying to make waves and the sad thing is this is how the left operates. when they i m not on the left. laura: thank you for that insightful contribution to the show.
investigation. i m sorry, dan, i agree that comey had an obligation to level with the public. if he was going to level with them about hillary, he had to about trump. laura: in conclusion, i m frankly really glad the republican party is not, you know, welcoming jim comey in right now. i think that s really good news. everybody on the panel agrees. reporter: the country clubber old line establishment, took our country down a rat hole and i m really glad. let s celebrate that. guys, fantastic. love you both, by the way. the man who made the exorcist movie, a new documentary is coming out and going to show you the real thing. a real case of demonic possession when we come right back.
a shinzo abe at mar-a-lago. i hope to have a successful meeting with kim jong-un. if we don t think it s going to be successful, mark, we won t have it. we won t have it. if i think it s a meeting that s not going to be fruitful, we re not going to go. if the meeting when i m there is not fruitful, i will respectfully leave the meeting. laura: i love that. joining us now is mike huckabee, so happy he s here. host of huckabee on trinity broadcasting network. how are you? i m doing great. great to be with you, and congratulations on the success of the show. delighted to be here. laura: thank you so much. let s talk about president trump s style here. he s down there in mar-a-lago. they didn t come to any great conclusion about exempting japan