The Delhi High Court on Tuesday granted bail to S. Eswara Reddy, L Praveen Kumar and Dinesh Dua, accused in a bribery case registered by CBI in relation to the waving of the Phase-3 trial of "Insulin Aspart Injection", produced by .
While granting relief, the high court opined that the alleged offences in question were grave but granted bail noting that investigation was complete, voice samples of the accused were taken and the charge sheet has been filed.
NEW DELHI, June 30: Drugmaker Biocon Ltd has engaged an external law firm to do a comprehensive review of its governance processes involving consultants and vendors following the CBI making a few arrests over alleged bribes paid to a Government drugs controller. Sources with knowledge of the matter said the review is part of the management’s reiteration of its commitment to strengthening compliance and governance practices across Biocon group entities. The company already has a strong code of conduct and […]
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Tuesday moved the Delhi High Court seeking the custody of officials accused of allegedly demanding bribes to waive the Phase-3 trial of "Insulin Aspart Injection", produced by Biocon .
In a latest development in connection with the CDSCO bribery case, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has moved the Delhi High court seeking custodial remand of all the five accused who were allegedly involved in waiving the Phase 3 .