candidatsenatoe senator tim scos will join us . he confronted the ladies of. the view today and he exposed hg their hateful rhetoric. we have full highlights coming up. also, chairman jim jordan and chairman james comey on together. they will joinchairmanes comer . coma is now preparing to hold she fbi director , chris wray, in contempt of congress. and tonight, in a possible effort to shield president biden from a congressional investigation, director wras ty is refusing 12 to hand over that official.3 ten docu, twenty three document that purportedly describes a criminal foreign bribery sch. scheme from biding his time when he was vice president .fb now, fbi officials have been in possession of these allegations since june of 2020.f they have also been in possession of biden s laptop since december of 2019il. they have seen emails and texts from hunter biden detailingto pp possible foreign payouts to the big guy and half the money going pops and complaining about paying for
and welcome to hannity. and tonight,o. eve the left s egregious lawfare against president trump. it is now falling under evenl a minimal amount of scrutiny. coming u op, we re going to show you a bizarre moment from disgraced former trump prosecutor nathan wade during a bizarre interview on fakade news cnn. fak also, outrage as biden blocksy s a pay raise for the troops after handing out billions. tito those overeducated socialr pe science major people at ivy league institutions with their massive loan bailouts and few real world skills. but we begin tonight in europe,n where joe spent the day humiliatin sg himself and us on behalf of america on the world stage yet again. he is for in italy for the 5h g7 summit, not going particularly welg7l. ardly joe started the summit melowkwardly kissing italy skip prime minister giorgio meloni on the head, sniffing her hair at one moment and seemingly then he saluted meloni before shuffling away. b then, during a parachute .emonstrati
parent household mired in poverty can one day be a congressman or a senator or i business owner. the answer is yes. s yes,yes, why?th because america continues to evolve in the right our direction. w e continue to call upon our men, our better angels. y tn we are a more perfect union las today than we were yesterday or last year. or last decade. we have to believe in the future of this countryould . and then lean into that future and make it what it should be .h spend more time in the windshield and less time in the rearview mirror. let s l talet s tk a little f about your run for president here. i knew because i ha interd. interviewed you and you said you were thinking about it. you vy formide got pretty foe field that you re going up against. talk about the decision leadingr up to you deciding to make thisr run and what will be different,e about your campaign in your view? well, thank you , sean . one of the things you always should do is if you re if you re me.
long processand of its you corr iranl tk a very long time to negotiate. all of these sorts of deals, previous negotiations with north korea, we have been negotiating with north korea for years and years and years,decades, in we have signed similar agreements before. we will have to make sure that no g to to its commitments. we will have to come to that pointhere they do declare what they actually have. and do have a better look inside the country. then we have to get inspectors on the ground. we have to look at their facilities. there are so many steps along the way where it can break town. we really are only at the very beginning of that. as you said it could cake 15 years. something i found interesting in the last 48 hours is the degree to which russia injected themselves into this thing.they followed the road map imposed by russia and china earlier this year. russia is sdenly sbld in
itit s s l likikelelyy a ass a a.b.b.b.b s saiaidd t thehe tete w wililll b bee so s splplitit.. ifif n newewtttt d doeoesnsn t t w win hee is t thehe lolololorr o objbjbjbjtitivevelyly s spepepepeining.g. > b breret:t: q quiuickcklylyly s s s sveve.. ththisis i issot a quiuickckckck q queueststststn,n, ununfofortrtununatatelely.y.y.y. you have written a aboboutut a a a a t thehe tatalklk a a a autut a a b brorokekereredd coconvnvenentitionon a andnd the f facactt t thihiss gogoeses a a a a l lonongg way. lelet t ss n notot e evevenn t tk a about thehe popossssibibililitity y ofof o oththerer p peoeoplee gettining g inin.. butt j jusustt brokeredd c cononononntntioionn asaspepectct o off thingngs.s. > b breret:t: w welell,l,l,l,hehere is a titimimingngngngssssueue t thahat i t thihinknk mamakekess t t t tss a p posossisibibililityty.. ifif y youou w wereree t too h havavavav r ronon p pauauauau kekeepep a a n numumbeberr o offff h hisis dedelelegagatetes,s, h he e isisisis g goioingn