and welcome to hannity. and tonight,o. eve the left s egregious lawfare against president trump. it is now falling under evenl a minimal amount of scrutiny. coming u op, we re going to show you a bizarre moment from disgraced former trump prosecutor nathan wade during a bizarre interview on fakade news cnn. fak also, outrage as biden blocksy s a pay raise for the troops after handing out billions. tito those overeducated socialr pe science major people at ivy league institutions with their massive loan bailouts and few real world skills. but we begin tonight in europe,n where joe spent the day humiliatin sg himself and us on behalf of america on the world stage yet again. he is for in italy for the 5h g7 summit, not going particularly welg7l. ardly joe started the summit melowkwardly kissing italy skip prime minister giorgio meloni on the head, sniffing her hair at one moment and seemingly then he saluted meloni before shuffling away. b then, during a parachute .emonstrati