A former postal worker who has sued the U.S. Postal Service for forcing him to work on Sundays despite his religious beliefs has appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.
A former postal worker who has sued the U.S. Postal Service for forcing him to work on Sundays despite his religious beliefs has appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.
According to Arapahoe County Sheriff s Deputy Jeanette Rodriguez, her employer harassed and discriminated against her because of her race, sex and national origin by repeatedly sending her to remedial trainings
The left-wing lunatics who run the teacher's union for Minneapolis public schools have just offered up a new contract with one of the most blatantly racist and illegal provisions you [.]
exemption. i know you have other class action lawsuits you are pushing forward. i m sure there are many people watching this morning. how will this affect other people out there who lost their job because they didn t want to get the vaccine? it will have a big impact. it s a big wake-up call to employers across the country that did not do accommodations as they are required under title vii. it s encouragement for these employers the employees that a boozed and lost their jobs or throned lose their jobs and some of them retirement that they can pursue justice. we have class actions pending in new york and maybe. different cases all different kinds of industries we are pursuing as well. will i will this is a sim no moment in the fight over vaccine mandates. mat staver, stawnk author jumping on fox & friends and giving us the latest. house republicans say the biden administration knowingly mislead the american public. congressman brian mast on the demand for answers next.