That is true. A lot of the search costs for finding things have been obliterated. It used to be you could find a criminal record in the basement of city hall. The internet has obliterated that. People are concerned about the impact. What concerns me about the right to be forgotten is it has not been balanced with some of the other competing values such as the values of Free Expression and the benefit of the consumers right to know about things like whether a vendor has had bad reviews against them or a babysitter has had criminal offenses. These are things that people could request to be removed from search results and i think thats very anticonsumerist. Is this a shift in thinking with google from a stance that used to say we index the internet. If you have a problem with that, please consult the internet. To a stance that says, there are a lot of tricky things that need to be balanced and may have quibbles with a privately activated process where a person comes to google and maybe a