HANCOCK — A man was struck and killed by a pickup truck while he was walking in the roadway of Route 1 in Hancock at 6:15 Wednesday morning, Maine State
HANCOCK — Santa will be paying a visit to the children of Hancock on the morning of Dec. 18. The Hancock Santa Run, an annual event held by the Hancock
Y annual fishing derby raises money for camp February 10, 2021 on News
ELLSWORTH The Down East Family YMCA’s 4th Annual Ice Fishing Derby was contested on ponds and lakes throughout Hancock County this past weekend. Proceeds help fund scholarships to the Y’s Camp Discovery on Webb Pond in Eastbrook so that all children can have a summer camp experience.
This year, four of the derby categories were won by youth entrants. Bentley Burns won first place in his category, scoring him a $300 cash prize. Four-year-old Elliana Hamor won the Beech Hill Pond Management Category for the third year in a row. Her dad, William, says she looks forward to this event each year. When asked if she would win, she excitedly replied, “I’m going to catch a whole lot of fish!” She did that and also landed a $250 cash prize.
Asbestos removed from former Hancock tannery as clean-up efforts continue
HANCOCK Clean-up efforts at the site of the former tannery in Hancock, located on Route 1 near Tideway Market, continue with the near completion of the site’s asbestos remediation.
The efforts have continued despite some initial difficulty accessing grant funding for the project. The money “was locked up for a period of time,” due to a legal case, George Colwell, chairman of the town’s Board of Selectmen, told The American.
He explained that Sheri Walsh, 56, of Newport had access to the grant funding “to pay for services rendered.” Walsh, who formerly worked for the Hancock County Planning Commission, pleaded guilty on Dec. 11, 2020, in federal court to wire fraud and federal government program theft.