americans know that. regardless of what anyone says, no it s not, maybe it s time to have provocative language in this country. well then. good morning, everyone. okay. go ahead. provoke, provoke. good morning, everyone, it is thursday, september 8th. welcome to morning joe. we have mike barnicle. we have msnbc political analyst and visiting professor at nyu, harold ford, jr. in los angeles, senior political analyst mark halperin. this is what i love about america so much. tell me. you know, in times of trouble yes, yes. feeling loved. yes. in times of trouble, it s when americans reach out. i had so many people come up and ask, joe, are we going to be okay. i say yeah. you know why i know we re going to be okay?
ilgts is ten minutes past the hour. back to your quote of the day. quote that was former new york city mayor rudy giuliani. he said that to piers morgan and said it just last night. he was talking about a presidential bid and if he might, you know, kind of ran, he could probably win. apple, and nike, are making our high-tech headlines at this hour. let s head straight to hong kong and kristie lu stout. this apple thing is getting weirder and weirder. weirder and weirder. new twist in the story. police in san francisco have launched an investigation into the search of a man s home by apple xwlooes employees. last month two apple investigators searched a man s home looking for what is believed to be a prototype of the next iphone lost in a bar. the man told sf weekly that he consented to the search when the investigators identified themselves as police. and he said it was not clear the pair searching his home were from apple and he would not have authorized the
rick perry and mitt romney taking off the gloves and turning up the volume. the gop heavy weights going toe to toe in the republican debate. sparring over social security and who is better qualified to create jobs. jim a costas live in los angeles. the sparks were were flying between romney and rick perry. yes, they certainly were. you can say that for sure. last nitric perot o owe rick perry showed he can hit back. rick perry and mitt romney stood side by side last night. first on the question of which governor created more jobs. michael dukakis created jobs faster than you did. george bush and his predecessor created jobs more than you did, governor. a newly aggressive john huntsman. i hate to rain on the parade of the lonestar governor, but we were the number one job creator. it switched to the healthcare plan and the mandate requiring residents to have medical insurance. what some republicans call owe bottom any care. an individual mandate in this country.
what did you end up doing? stayed home. let me give you an interesting pregame line-up. kid rock, marine five, president obama, which one doesn t fit? the president doesn t exactly fit that line-up. they are going before the nfl season opener. you should see the looks on my co-hosts faces. where are you going with that? the president is going right up against that pregame concert right before the nfl season opener. he s in fact going to speak on thursday, september 8th. that is, of course, the same night as that nfl season opener at 7:00 eastern time or 4:00 pacific. on the west coast. that s the big problem for west coast folks. they ll still be at work. they re still going to be in traffic for another two hours trying to get home. they re not going to see that primetime speech because the nfl game kicks off at 8:00 p.m. or the pregame stuff. the game kicks off at 8:30. the white house reportedly this morning furious about the whole thing. behind the scenes.
the president asked the speaker to assemble the congress wednesday. the speaker said wednesday wouldn t work. he suggested thursday. that s when the stand off began. when is the president going to unveil his jobs plan? this is another problem for the president. it is now set for the following night, thursday september 8th that is the opening night at of the nfl season. the packers take on the saints. not great timing for the president. we ll have more on this first we asked donald trump what he thinks. they keep playing games, both sides, not just the president. we need jobs. we don t need speeches. he loves making speeches. i don t think he loves producing jobs many he hasn t produced jobs. i think people are tired of hearing his speeches. get he s been critical of the gamesmanship and republicans likewise of him. republican gop debate has been scheduled for sometime. his request just went in today.