translator: first problem with the electronic throttle system, and secondly, the way in which a car is used or misusage of the car, and thirdly, the structural aspect of the vehicle, and fourthly, the structural aspect of the parts used in the vehicle. so, these i understand are four major factors contributing to unexpected acceleration. [ speaking foreign language ]
current thing they re doing and one new idea that they re testing, and if that one new idea really works, it will replace the current system. if you just mandated that, you d get lots of creativity out of the folks that work for us in our government. to what degree does crisis stifle that? and i asked you this, too, because you have constant crises at google, a product that may not have the uptick that you wanted, the eu looking at antitrust action? there s always something that seem the like it s going to dominate your day, your week, or your month. well, you know, our government can react very quickly in a crisis. look at the stimulus bill, which was done in a three-week period, $800 billion in 3 weeks, boom, they re done. we ve seen other situations where we ve been attacked. so, we can rally together and act very quickly. i think crisis focuses the mind. i think the most important thing to do is to establish a culture of innovation. jobs are created in the private
first problem with electronic throttle system. secondly, a problem with the way the car is used or misusage of the car. thirdly structural aspects of the vehicle. fourthly structural aspects of the parts used in the vehicle. these, i understand, are four factors contributing to unexpected acceleration. [ speaking japanese ] translator: and of that, the electronics auto control system is designed based on the concept of safety first.
we never found a mag function that caused unin we never found a malfunction that caused accelerations. we conduct comprehensive independent analysis of our throttle system with an unlimited budget. their interim report confirms that it works as it s designed. we ll make the results of this evaluation available to the public and congress as soon as it s completed. so why did it take so long to get to this point? with respect to pedal entrapment. toyota conducted investigations of consumer complaints which focused too narrowly on technical issues without taking full account on the way consumers use our vehicles. and in the case of sticking accelerator pedals we failed to promptly analyze and respond to information emerging from europe and the united states. we acknowledge these mistakes.
they blamed floor mats and sticky gas pedals. yet a growing number of automotive experts and class action lawyers like richard mckeown say that explanation just doesn t fit. what i hear over and over and over again, i m driving down the road and my car just takes off on me. i apply the brakes. sometimes it works. sometimes it doesn t. that s the pattern that we have seen. so, i think unequivocally that these recalls simply do not get to the core of the problems that toyota has. reporter: safety analyst john cain has looked at more than 2,000 accelerator exdents involving toyota and believes the root of the problem lies in the electronic throttle system that controls the speed of the car. these are completely computer-guided systems and we all know that electronics fail. they do fail and they will fail. the problem is toyota is they haven t built enough fail-safe devices into their cars to ensure that drivers get control of the vehicle when a failure happens. reporter: during