The house owner Aslam, in his complaint, claimed that mob attacked his house to incite communal tension in the area and demanded strict action be taken. | Latest News India
Law Enforcement News LAPD Officer’s Alleged Killer Stands Trial Again After Conviction In 1983 Case Was Tossed A little more than four decades have passed since Paul Verna’s final day as a police officer. The 35-year-old motorcycle cop thought he was making a routine traffic stop on June 2, 1983, prosecutors said. But he had pulled over a vehicle occupied by four people who’d
August 4, 2021
A Molino man is facing felony charges after allegedly threatening to kill his mother and girlfriend.
Nicholas Bronson Pierce, 36, was charged with two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon with the intent to commit a felony and one count possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.
The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office responded a reported armed disturbance at a residence on Pilgrim Trail West. He allegedly entered a residence and pointed a gun at his mother’s head and yelled, “I’ll kill you [expletive].”
“I feared for my life and really thought at that time, my son would kill me,’ she said, according to an ESCO report.
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