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By 05/05/2021
The Shoreline Unified School District is updating a dress code policy that the school’s trustees and administration say is sexist, outdated and inconsistently enforced. A change was proposed by Thomas Tyson, a new trustee, who said his daughter came home in tears in fourth grade because a teacher found that her clothes did not comply. “This is an important decision that can adversely affect a kid, not just for the day but for the rest of their school time,” he said. The current board policy, which is based on a California School Board Association template and was last renewed at Shoreline in 2018, singles out clothes generally worn by female students. “Halter tops, off-the-shoulder or low-cut tops, bare midriffs and skirts or shorts shorter than mid-thigh are prohibited,” it states. The policy also says that gym shorts can only be worn for physical education, backless sandals are not acceptable and hair shall be neatly groomed.