room and rape her? if you look at the police report, it is ridiculous what they did. rape is one thing but it is just awful. they tried to hold her face to keep from screaming. this is in a school. how can 18-year-olds tucker: how do two 18 year-olds wind up in a ninth grade classroom? is the policy of the montgomeryin school district. tucker: really at that point we are saying we don t care about education, that is not our goal to educate kids.? if you are doing that is that the message? i don t think you need to put these kind of illegal kids and legal kids if you are here as an illegal, you are here against the law and that is a crime. that s the way i look at it. tucker: you have an old-fashioned view of that. the outcome of the promise when you camet here? all of the ones that are waiting in line to come here illegally, i just spoke with thn driver that brought me here. he said his father took eight years before he could bring hisr family here.
for two reasons. number one, because many other states are waiting to see what the supreme court does about this texas law. it s undoubtedly the toughest law in the nation in terms of abortion restrictions, requiring clinics to meet the same standards as outpatient surgical centers and requiring their doctors to have hospital admitting privileges. the law has already reduced the number of abortion clinics and the opponents of the law say it could leave just nine clinics open in the second largest state. so that s the first reason. the second reason is, it asks the court to define what the rule is. the courts have said the states can restrict thisr [ inaudible ]
producer of oil, the number one producer of natural gas. we re saving drivers about 70 cents a gallon at the pump over last christmas. thanks to the affordable care act about ten million americans have gained health care thisr just this past year. we have every right to be proud of what we ve accomplished. we re jobs, more people insured, a growing economy, shrinking deficits, bustling industry, booming energy. pick any metric that you want and america s resurgence is real. we are better off. we are better off. and the president made it clear to republicans, he ll continue to use executive action to fix problems when they refuse to act. i ve never been persuaded by this argument that if it weren t for the executive actions, they would have been more productive.
fields of alberta, canada that have remained under review for some five years now. what should american citizens conclude about their federal government and about the obama administration when its decision about whether or not to build a pipeline has now taken this administration longer than it took the united states to enter, fight and win world war ii? i think they should take from it that we take the process and the steps engaged seriously. i m not sure there was a public comment option available during world war ii but that has been a factor for us. and if thisr does get built, it would be the second keystone pipeline from canada running more or less parallel to the first one. jenna: very interesting question, by the way. looks like it was gretly appreciated as well. as always, yes. jenna: your questions are received that way but an interesting context for us to consider.
out how i could ask them tor to movep to move on with their life without me. i wasr i was tired of themp i was tired of themi was tired of them having to sacrifice everything for me. > r she sp she s talking about her parents. > thep the president the president discussed this inrin his press conference.p guantanamo bay, guantanamo bay, cuba a massive massive scandal. they rethey rep they re literallyrthey re literally being force-fed tubes. thisr this isp this is athis is a situation where people p are literallyare literally are literally contemplating suicide.p there have there have been a p but there isr but there isp but there is this categorybut there is this category of prisonr prisonprison whichp prison which is there is not enoughp enough evidenceenough evidence to enough evidence to have a military tribunal. notp not enoughnot enough evidence to prove for al-qaida.