world. how about going to? hannity anthony fauci grilled of the hill, and as always, his memory seems a little off. take a loof.k. i why was it so important i the virus not have started in a lawatersb? why was it so important that?ow the virus not we don t know. we know is important someone in the biden administration, so much so that the top people much at mit, the top people at facebook are asking, why are we getting all this pressurfacebookaskingel to downplay the lab leak theory ? and guess what? we have dr.. rand paul, senator rand paul, he actually has the actual smoking gun emails. he put paul, in his book. anyway, the once drunk with power, dr. fauci a skirted accountability for years while gaslighting the american people every step of the way. but a free pass that might soons be oveoor. d we ll check in with rand paul. that s coming up. also tonight, wells , mass amnesty for illegal immigrants, according to this new report, the biden administration, they just
actually started to actually ask real questions. in a statement, biden referred to his son as inspiring. get by the way, i m glad that hed did get off drugs. i hope he stays off themi . you don t want that for anybody. but of course, we want him to get a fait for anybbut ofr te trust that. well, delaware might lean his way. no, an american. whether your namricae is biden r trump, should have to face a partisan witch hun havt. and of course, no one in the biden white house has the decenc y to call outaw the lawfare against trump. quite the contrary. were c we hear they were celebrating in biden headquarters and the whit e house., wh and by the way, why didd the third highest ranking thire doj, why would they ever leave that prestigious positioy wen to prosecute a local case against donald trump ise againni new york? clearly, with a deeply involved datenv and competent an unpopulp president, well, the democrats, they neeularpresidd all politica they can get. and this appears to be
all going along according to plan. federal prosecutor p david wisew dragged on what appeared to be a fake investigation for years., remember, he allowed the statute of limitations to run oute allo on several serm tax crimes. conveniently, we call them, cou the burisma years. he then reportedly seemed content to wra ynp up the probeu without any charges. then a little problem happenedwh . our whistleblowers at the irs, they sounded the alarme t of tw. the doj had to move to plan b.ea what was plan b?was that was the sweetheart weiss deal masquerading as justice.r o never before in the history of the country has deal ever been that sweet. even the defenseweet being asked by the judge in the courtroom, did you ever see anything like a deal like this ever before? and they had to admit noer, no felony tax charges, no jail time, a deferred fel, meaningles gun charge and nothing else. dealunfortunatel guny for hunte, the plea deal collapsed after the federal judge starte thed