Posted : 2021-05-30 10:51
Updated : 2021-05-30 10:51
Britain s Prime Minister Boris Johnson, 56, and girlfriend Carrie Symonds, 33, walk to Westminster polling station to vote in London, May 6. The couple married in a secret ceremony at Westminster Cathedral on Saturday, the Sun and Mail reported Sunday. Reuters-Yonhap
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson married his fiancee Carrie Symonds in a secret ceremony at Westminster Cathedral on Saturday, the Sun and Mail on Sunday newspapers reported.
A spokeswoman for Johnson s Downing Street office declined to comment on the reports.
Both newspapers said guests were invited at the last minute to the central London ceremony, and said even senior members of Johnson s office were unaware of the wedding plans.
Boris Johnson e la sua compagna 33enne Carrie Symons, si sarebbero sposati in segreto nella cattedrale cattolica di Westminster di fronte ad una trentina di invitati. Il loro matrimonio era.