he john walker qlindh is a perfect example of this. he has served his time and he should go free. his sentence is 20 years time off for good behavior. onceqq he s on the outside it still seems likely heçów3 has poisonous ideas. what can you do? oncejf you served your time you can t have a police car outside your house to see if you re engaged in terrorism. theñi letters i wrote to him and he wrote back are all being red by prison authorities. the government is well aware of his views. they ll be watching them as much as they can. he happens to be super famous, so it would bei harder for him o go down a violent path than other people.
and kislyak led toxdi his recu and kislyak led toxdi his recu now asñi attorney generalw3 undñ thei]ñr invdqtigation. i accept atçda(÷ value somexd o theñi charges that mr. kislyak while a seasoned diplomat is also a seasoned spy. i know you told us earlier, senator, that is correct if if comey accepts your invitation to come and appear before your committee next woke it would be behind closed doors but will you commit at least at some point having a public hearing with jim comey. you agree, the american public e deserves to hear all of this evidence. once he can get anything he wants to tell us in a classified setting, you know, relayed to us, i would use all the powers of persuasion i would have to try to convince him to hold and appear before a public setting as well. he s now a private set sin. he ll have to make the judgments on his hone, but i was not one of the democrats who called for jim comey s removal. i have a lot of respect for jim
had cleared out of the bathroom, we were going to open up the door, go outside and climb the fence and get out of there. my cell was one of the last to be let out. when i went into theñi bathroom area, i saw chako was over in the corner. there was only one guard inside of the cell area. once you re in the bathroom, you re pretty much out of sight of the guard. it wasn t very long until they called the rest of the people back to their cells. once everybody was out of the bathroom, chako moved over to the gate real fast.
this boom ka boom ka boom going on. i was almost afraid that he could hear my heart pounding. but heñi just turned around and went back inside. we started crawling. my adrenaline was pumping so fast. we were still worried about that guard inside maybe coming out if he heard something else. i felt like there was this weight in my body that was just slowing me down. once we got to theñi base of th fen fence, i looked at the guard up there in the tower. and that was when i thought to myself, well, if this guard is gonna decide to renege on us, or if he just goes bananas, he ll
attacks. some people were in wheelchairs and stretchers and president hollande made a strong case that this is a war against the islamic state and vowed that he would fight the war to the end and destroy those responsible. many of those killed in the attacks on friday 13th were young. average age 35. and their names were read one by one. and president hollande is working hard on the diplomatic front trying to get allies in u.s., uk and russia and leads the war against the islamuc state. are theñi investigators clos to catching the suspect. i know they are still looking for two? that s right, there is two main suspects. the aide and his accomplice that